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Easier to post pictures in the future with 4.xx? And videos? Some suggestions.


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Hello, first, sorry for my bad English, I write from France ...

My question on the 4.xx series: will it be easier and faster to post photos?

I have a community that publishes a lot of pictures (she is 10 years old!). The theme of my community wants that.

Many members complain that it is long to post photos. And it takes more lighten before publishing. They say on Facebook, is better. On Facebook, you soon publish a photo. No program to reduce the weight of the photo. In addition, it is possible from a smartphone.

What is needed:

1 / be able to publish photos without reducing weight. Like on Facebook. Weight reduction of the photo is made by the forum.

2 / be able to post photos with a smartphone. Like on Facebook. I have to take a picture with my smartphone, and publish it immediately and easily to the forum. As 1 /, bypassing a program to reduce the weight of the photo.

3 / be able to publish photo galleries in messages. As with Photo "Gallery In Post" (http://community.invisionpower.com/files/file/5980-bim34-photo-gallery-in-post/). But it should be possible to select for each message if created a gallery, or classically, we publish each photo.

4 / to be able to step in less post a photo. With the "rapid response" for example. I see here actually there is "Click to choose files", it's good.

5 / be able to find and view all photos published in a member's posts. This has existed short time during an update 3.xx There was this function in the profile of each member, to the left of each message.

6 / be able to limit for messages, weight pictures. For example, no more than 300 KB per photo. Currently, one can limit the weight of pictures to the entire message. For example, no more than 800 KB per message. But the member may post a photo 800KB or 100KB 8 photo. If the weight reduction of the photos is made by the forum, this can solve the worries.

7 / also be able to do all this with videos. It is regrettable to send its members on youtube to publish videos. Then explain to them like putting in a youtube video in my guestbook.

Our forums are in competition with other media (Facebook!), It must evolve to survive :).

Thank you, sincerely, Théo.

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