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Group formatting on post authors name


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Is it easily possible to apply group styles to users names when they make a post? I think it'd be in the Edit HTML & CSS > Forums > postContainer file but I'm not sure how to apply the group formatting rule.


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Is it easily possible to apply group styles to users names when they make a post? I think it'd be in the Edit HTML & CSS > Forums > postContainer file but I'm not sure how to apply the group formatting rule.



You want to format the members name ,, or is there anything more you wanna have then in this picture ?





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I made the group color have a background image and now i set a blue color. I want the users post display name to use the same formatting that was set in group settings, like it does in "Who's Online". Right now the name "Test" is black text when he posts, not the groups format/style.




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I made the group color have a background image and now i set a blue color. I want the users post display name to use the same formatting that was set in group settings, like it does in "Who's Online". Right now the name "Test" is black text when he posts, not the groups format/style.





You will have to change the member name format to this ..

I didn't check it fully in postContainer ..

Edit: don't take my advise here .. the naming is totally different then the who's online format ..


	{{if $groupIdForFormatting}}
		{expression="\IPS\Member\Group::load( $groupIdForFormatting )->formatName( $name )" raw="true"}



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Thanks, but that didn't do anything.

I think I have to modify this line in Forums > Topics > postContainer


<h3 class='ipsType_sectionHead cAuthorPane_author ipsType_blendLinks ipsType_break' itemprop="creator" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Person"><strong itemprop="name">{$comment->author()->link( $comment->warningRef() )|raw}</strong> <span class='ipsResponsive_showPhone ipsResponsive_inline'>&nbsp;&nbsp;{template="reputationBadge" group="global" app="core" params="$comment->author()"}</span></h3>


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<strong itemprop="name">{$comment->author()->link( $comment->warningRef() )|raw}</strong>


{template="userLinkFromData" group="global" app="core" params="$comment->author()->member_id, $comment->author()->name, $comment->author()->members_seo_name, $comment->author()->member_group_id"}


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