Invision Community 4: SEO, prepare for v5 and dormant account notifications Matt November 11, 2024Nov 11
January 23, 201213 yr Author thats just it, error reporting is on. and still nothing. seen other reports like that with error reports too. starting over with centos5 template right now. I see the pages/installer on that, hell even get the nice database error page with wrong username LOL. its centos6 on OpenVZ with any php 5.3 doing this to me including 5.3.9 edit: strict mode on also
January 23, 201213 yr thats just it, error reporting is on. and still nothing. seen other reports like that with error reports too. starting over with centos5 template right now. I see the pages/installer on that, hell even get the nice database error page with wrong username LOL. its centos6 on OpenVZ with any php 5.3 doing this to me including 5.3.9 there a log configured? :logik: is it just IPB install, or any script? Ensure the error_reporting actually is configged, it just being "on" wont help much... and vice versai with the display_errors.
January 23, 201213 yr Beyond that... I'm afraid I cannot help much... I LOATH CentOS's flavor of SSH frankly.
January 23, 201213 yr Author it looked to be a bad compilation happening during cpanel/whm install. I reinstalled again and babysat the cpanel install and saw no errors this time, last time a few flashed by w/o means to see what was going on. I can now create accounts in whm so its better there, I can access cpanel too so...php 5.3.9 is installed and system survives reboots and power offs. apache restarts on boot too...that helps lol now gotta play upload games again....
January 23, 201213 yr You may also need to set error reporting in initdata.php.error_reporting( E_ALL ); @ini_set( 'display_errors', 1 );
January 23, 201213 yr Author yeah I had done that, but it was (as it turned out) doing it on any php page not just ip stuff. only php page that worked was the php info page LOL
January 23, 201213 yr wanted to try something first. fresh cent6 64, LAMP install. apache default index page is fine. upload board files to install new board and blank pages. damn php 5.3.3 will try 5.3.8 as you have. what do you have in your Apache access and error logs? and do you have mod_security on?
January 23, 201213 yr If you brought your site from another host, and the forum root was changed, wondering if you have something in the .htaccess that is different current site.
January 23, 201213 yr Author nope, found it for sure. something with ioncube and php 5.3. not positive what yet but with php 5.3 ioncube (I have nexus installed) not shown in phpinfo display, use php 5.2.17 and it shows and everything works fine. using ip access right now as url still pointed to live but database connections, existing pages, etc still seem to work fine. so right now I am centos 6 64, php 5.2.17, whm/cpanel installed and pages seem to work fine. going to run like this a bit and get stuff tuned and site fully transferred then once all running a bit I will do some backups and see why 5.3 causes that issue. so upload a bunch more (downloads and uploads folder) and point dns and hopefully in the morning call it done :)
January 23, 201213 yr nope, found it for sure. something with ioncube and php 5.3. not positive what yet but with php 5.3 ioncube (I have nexus installed) not shown in phpinfo display, use php 5.2.17 and it shows and everything works fine. using ip access right now as url still pointed to live but database connections, existing pages, etc still seem to work fine. so right now I am centos 6 64, php 5.2.17, whm/cpanel installed and pages seem to work fine. going to run like this a bit and get stuff tuned and site fully transferred then once all running a bit I will do some backups and see why 5.3 causes that issue. so upload a bunch more (downloads and uploads folder) and point dns and hopefully in the morning call it done :smile: If you're gonna have cpanel then you can use the easyapache feature to recompile your php with ioncube support. It would only take about 30 minutes and cpanel will do all the work for you
January 23, 201213 yr Author yup, actually practicing it again :) was curious, used EA to compile with 5.3 and 5.2.17. 5.3 always fails on me. messing around right now trying some configs (since I know what will work) hoping to see where the issue is there, wondering if I missed a groupremove before whm install that may be issue. testing that now. what EA config template do you use anyways? I based off the economy/image one (third iirc)
January 23, 201213 yr usually i go with the security one but choose advanced settings and then individually select all the mods/modules I need. That would basically allow me to choose mod_security, Suhosin, FCGI, and so on and so forth.
January 23, 201213 yr Author if you could, would it be too much trouble to post what you enabled? I wondered about suhosin. did you install memcache through EA or ssh? see differing opinions on that.
January 23, 201213 yr actually I prefer to install APC through PECL. Click on software -> module installer -> PHP PECL (manage) then type APC. here is what I have for EA (but you gonna need to add ioncube) --- Apache: optmods: Access: 1 Actions: 1 Alias: 1 Asis: 0 AuthAnon: 0 AuthDB: 0 AuthDBM: 0 AuthDigest: 0 AuthLDAP: 0 AuthnAlias: 0 AuthnAnon: 0 AuthnDBD: 0 AuthnDBM: 0 AuthnDefault: 0 AuthnzLDAP: 0 AuthzDBM: 0 AuthzHost: 1 AuthzOwner: 0 Autoindex: 1 Bucketeer: 0 Cache: 0 CaseFilter: 0 CaseFilterIn: 0 CernMeta: 0 CharsetLite: 0 DAVFs: 0 DAVLock: 0 DBD: 0 DIR: 1 Dav: 0 Deflate: 0 DiskCache: 0 Distcache: 0 Dumpio: 0 Echo: 0 Env: 0 Expires: 1 ExtFilter: 0 Fastcgi: 1 FileCache: 0 Fileprotect: 1 Frontpage: 0 Headers: 1 Ident: 0 Imagemap: 0 LDAP: 0 LogAgent: 0 LogConfig: 1 LogForensic: 0 LogReferer: 0 MPMEvent: 0 MPMLeader: 0 MPMPerchild: 0 MPMPrefork: 0 MPMThreadpool: 0 MPMWorker: 1 MemCache: 0 Mime: 1 MimeMagic: 0 MmapStatic: 0 Negotiation: 1 OptionalFnExport: 0 OptionalFnImport: 0 OptionalHookExport: 0 OptionalHookImport: 0 PHPAsUser: 0 Proxy: 1 RaiseFDSetsize: 0 RaiseHardServerLimit: 0 Rewrite: 0 Setenvif: 1 Speling: 0 Status: 1 UniqueId: 1 Userdir: 1 Usertrack: 0 Version: 0 VhostAlias: 0 version: 2_2 Cpanel::Easy::EAccelerator: 0 Cpanel::Easy::IonCubeLoader: 0 Cpanel::Easy::ModBandwidth: 0 Cpanel::Easy::ModGzip: 0 Cpanel::Easy::ModJk5: 0 Cpanel::Easy::ModMono: 0 Cpanel::Easy::ModMono2: 0 Cpanel::Easy::ModPerl: 0 Cpanel::Easy::ModQos: 0 Cpanel::Easy::ModRuid2: 0 Cpanel::Easy::ModSec: 1 Cpanel::Easy::PHP4: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP4::4_4: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP4::4_5: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP4::4_6: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP4::4_7: 1 Cpanel::Easy::PHP4::Bcmath: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP4::Bz2: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP4::CGI: 1 Cpanel::Easy::PHP4::Calendar: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP4::Concurrent: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP4::Curl: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP4::CurlSSL: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP4::DBX: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP4::Dbase: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP4::DiscardPath: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP4::DomXslt: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP4::Exif: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP4::FTP: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP4::Fastcgi: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP4::ForceCGIRedirect: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP4::GD: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP4::Gettext: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP4::HardPHP: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP4::Iconv: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP4::Imap: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP4::Java: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP4::MM: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP4::MagicQuotes: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP4::MailHeaders: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP4::Mbregex: 1 Cpanel::Easy::PHP4::Mbstring: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP4::Mcrypt: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP4::MemoryLimit: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP4::Mhash: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP4::MimeMagic: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP4::Ming: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP4::MysqlOfSystem: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP4::Openssl: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP4::PDFLib: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP4::POSIX: 1 Cpanel::Easy::PHP4::PathInfoCheck: 1 Cpanel::Easy::PHP4::Pear: 1 Cpanel::Easy::PHP4::Pgsql: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP4::Pspell: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP4::SNMP: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP4::SafeMode: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP4::SafePHPCGI: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP4::Sockets: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP4::Swf: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP4::TTF: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP4::Versioning: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP4::Wddx: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP4::XmlRPC: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP4::XsltSablot: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP4::ZendMultibyte: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP4::Zip: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP4::Zlib: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5: 1 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::2_17: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::2_9: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::3_6: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::3_8: 1 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Bcmath: 1 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Bz2: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::CGI: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Calendar: 1 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Concurrent: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Curl: 1 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::CurlSSL: 1 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Curlwrappers: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::DBX: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Dbase: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::DiscardPath: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Enchant: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Exif: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Expat: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::FTP: 1 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Fastcgi: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::FileInfo: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::ForceCGIRedirect: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::GD: 1 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Gettext: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::HardPHP: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Iconv: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Imap: 1 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Intl: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Java: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::MM: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::MagicQuotes: 1 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::MailHeaders: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Mbregex: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Mbstring: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Mcrypt: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::MemoryLimit: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Mhash: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::MimeMagic: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Ming: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Mysql: 1 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::MysqlOfSystem: 1 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Mysqli: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Openssl: 1 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::PDFLib: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::PDO: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::PDOMySQL: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::POSIX: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::PathInfoCheck: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Pear: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Pgsql: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Phar: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Pspell: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::SNMP: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::SOAP: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::SQLite3: 1 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::SafeMode: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::SafePHPCGI: 1 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::SilenceDeprecatedPatch: 1 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Sockets: 1 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Swf: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::TTF: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Tidy: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Versioning: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Wddx: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::WithoutIconv: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::XSL: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::XmlRPC: 1 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::XsltSablot: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::ZendMultibyte: 1 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Zip: 1 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Zlib: 1 Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::cPPHPOpts: 0 Cpanel::Easy::PHPSuHosin: 1 Cpanel::Easy::SourceGuardian: 0 Cpanel::Easy::Xcache: 0 Cpanel::Easy::Zendopt: 0 _meta: implies: changed: {} circles: {} name: PHP Security (1) note: This is the same as the Basic configuration with the addition of PHP SuHosin for added security. revision: V9xZbtFr8n1gZ8K90t2wodxCravoqW53qrdRDV9hQhVzLVR53xp0RDi94YS7ELsw
January 24, 201213 yr Author all running, thanks everyone :smile: any particular reason you went apc over memcache?
January 24, 201213 yr all running, thanks everyone :smile: any particular reason you went apc over memcache? always had problems with everything but APC. I also have nginx set as front proxy. You can get the cpanel nginx plugin from here
January 24, 201213 yr Author will be doing the apc in a bit and will look at that. want to fine tune some stuff a bit and just let it run w/o breaking it for a bit :) always wondered if the cache process running on same server as the board is it noticeable gain over just using the built in cache setup?
January 24, 201213 yr will be doing the apc in a bit and will look at that. want to fine tune some stuff a bit and just let it run w/o breaking it for a bit :smile: always wondered if the cache process running on same server as the board is it noticeable gain over just using the built in cache setup? you mean IPB cache? You will notice an improvement but the cache is also stored in the DB so it won't save you from doing queries however it will simplify the query.
January 24, 201213 yr Author I had noticed a SLIGHT (seemingly) gain when I used memcache but I wasn't sure if it wa sjust a placebic effect.
January 24, 201213 yr I can recommend for larger sites to dump Apache and go for Lighttpd instead. It seems to perform significantly better. That said, they also have the poorest support i've ever seen.
January 24, 201213 yr Author I debated that actually, but kind of tuned into a devil you know thing. + the easyapache setup in WHM/cpanel is..well...easy.. not proficient at either, just a little more used to apache.
January 24, 201213 yr I debated that actually, but kind of tuned into a devil you know thing. + the easyapache setup in WHM/cpanel is..well...easy.. not proficient at either, just a little more used to apache. you don't need to know nginx if you're gonna set it up as reverse proxy. In fact, the cpanel plugin I showed you will do all the work for you :)
January 24, 201213 yr Author was just looking at your post to get the link on that LOL since its all working a little gunshy today to break it :smile: do I need to do anything at all in whm to easyapache/apache to do this? the way it reads I just run cmds in shell and it should be all set correct?
January 24, 201213 yr Author installed, no idea if its doing anything though but site ain't dead so... :)
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