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user configurable customization request


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have no idea if possible but ability for user to drag and place forum categories and side blocks in order they want (like blog currently does) would be something I think many would appreciate.


It is possible to re-order categories via drag/place at Admin CP --> Forums [Tab] --> Forums --> Manage Forums. (However, I would also like to see the ability to drag/place forums from one category to another, which currently doesn't seem to be possible.)

It is possible to re-order side blocks via drag/place at Admin CP --> System [Tab] --> Applications & Modules --> Manage Hooks.


well I don't allow users access to my ACP and the request was for USERS to be able to customize how it looks to them.
if one want status updates up top and another wants it on bottom would be nice to have a way to do that.
blogs does this for the individual blogs.
the ACP sets it up as the admin wants to show to everyone as a default, but when logged in a user could be able to enhance their view per their desires.

say right now you guys wanted the customer lounge and its parent category to be up top, sure admin can do that in acp but has chosen not to. if user could have ability to do this for the forums they use mostly would be nice.

more important to me though is users able to reorder side blocks to fit their desires better.


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