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3.0.4 detailed list of changes

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Possible to post it, so I can decide, if I want to upgrade from 3.0.3?

[quote name='broni' date='06 October 2009 - 11:51 AM' timestamp='1254855113' post='1864010']
Possible to post it, so I can decide, if I want to upgrade from 3.0.3?

It has been posted in the announcements section :P.

3.0.4 is almost entirely bug fixes. If you want to know exactly what bugs were fixed, have a look in the tracker.

[*]Search results not highlighting [*]Issue with quotes inside php tags in template [*]Remove flash upload javascript if it disabled [*]Templates search and replace: row colouring [*]Ban Member Box with a lot of IP's too long for page [*]Admin Cp skin issue [*]Validating email addresses [*]Calendar Hook not showing birthdays [*]Missing images and wrong location for others [*]Watched Content - Bug [*]Previewing posts [*]ACP on PHP 5.3 [*]Friend approve/deny buttons [*]ACP Session Expired Message [*]RTE color selection [*]Compare Differences window ... [*]Help files outdated [*]Wrong cursor position addin... [*]Hook export exposrt only th... [*]Editing a post which uses e... [*]Template Saving [*]Ban Filters & IE [*]Add Block Menu Drops Up [*]Forum Delete Prompt [*]Missing text for approve/unapprove [*]Merging posts in different pages of a topic [*]Topic rating universal skin problem [*]"Exception: TypeError: Object doesn't support this property or method" [*]Attachments popup - "Jump to page" popup does not work [*]nopermission error while trying to delete a custom template bit [*]Setup skin html issue [*]Minor Editor/Emoticons Skin Bug... [*]"Show results as titles" does not work [*]Invite participants [*]Text in ACP goes under buttons [*]Oddity with warning levels and ACP log. [*]Alert box, small issue [*]Old tables left by the upgrader [*]Go button without CSS in ACP [*]Selection in editor after clicking bbcode icon [*]Translate externally tool buttons returns always the top of the page [*]Odd bars editing the guests group in ACP [*]Attachments in private messages [*]IE 7 editor menu issue [*]App upgrader doesn't rebuild app caches [*]Old tasks from IPB 2.3 [*]Draft increments count [*]View New Posts: Block Forums [*]Missing link in email for reports [*]Linebreaks when adding strings in the ACP. [*]PM attachments (copy) to multiple recipients [*]Guests photo alt text [*]Sorting by "To" column in Messenger doesn't work [*]Facebook log in issues [*]Part of options behind browser menu [*]some FURL optimizations [*]Kill mysql queries task [*]Custom profile field [*]IPSMember::getFunction()->removeAvatar() does not remove the uploaded avatar [*]UCP navigation [*]Issue when multiple custom profile tabs are created [*]Language import strict mode error [*]Edit - 'Use Full Editor' Broken [*]Change Display Name Form Maxlength [*]PM Search Results missing icons [*]More than 51 urls will not parse properly in BBCode [*]Double entry on ipb.lang.js [*]Memberlist - unable to sort by letter [*]Media Tag doesnt work for Youtube [*]Skin: Parent edit breaks child [*]safari not loading last item [*]Admin text when creating custom profile field [*]Warning message in ACP [*]Bug in Member Reputation [*]Little typo in string [*]a fluff [*]Bogus stats on Statistics Center [*]Task key and IN_DEV [*]Upgrade 2.36 to 3.03 Constant ibf_profile_portal Index error shown [*]Cannot edit master_skin/skin_foo.php files [*]core.php contains a 'gorup' typo [*]Converted User Login Issue [*]Resizes only the height [*]Hook Labeling Error [*]CSS: HTML characters [*]3.0.3 recache skinsets [*]Login method diagnostics: installed [*]Error when adding a new template bit [*]Email subject hearder appears twice [*]Manage Validation Queue - Mark as Spammer emails [*]Wrong year for recurring events [*]Calendar - Title & --> & [*]Online list and topics [*]IMG tag broken in search [*]search with long strings problem [*]Forum moderator cannot add/remove attachments from other persons posts [*]View Topic History (Admin Option) [*]unused option ''deletefirst [*]Wrong redirect after closing a topic [*]Profile ratings: rating_added [*]Editing language string [*]Fatal error referencing ips_MemberRegistry as array in ssi.php [*]Auto correction of DST via AJAX should return NULL [*]hooks folder not checked [*]Report Center doesn't show all reports [*]App installation that includes furlTemplates.php needs to rebuild FURL cache [*]BBCode parses even after I tell it NO [*]No indenting of code on 3.0.3 [*]Does IPB require cookies to be enabled now? [*]Need little correction [*]Email subject not properly encoded [*]Database Checker [*]Skin Difference Report 3.0.3 nopermission [*]Top 20 Posters / Guests [*]Lightbox CSS breaks SSL [*]Icon for quick-delete-topics visible when no access [*]PM notification reset when board is offline [*]Pasting content with image into the RTE returns blank post [*]Calendar time offsets [*]Emoticons in signature editor [*]Adding language string [*]Skin issue in language-editor (admincp) on some pages [*]Force spider/bot to use skin [*]Pages showing forums with &s don't validate [*]cannot delete forums with no perms in acp [*]Admin logs URL contains duplicate 'app' key [*]Typo in task description [*]Untranslatable / hardcodet "show all" (emoticons) [*]Currently hiding posts below points. [*]adding attachments to post with existing attachments sometimes don't show [*]Manage Friends hardcodet string [*]Skin mistake on report center [*]Alt/title tags from buttons (Reply / New Topic) [*]XML-RPC/apiServer params not unserialized [*]Application Delete doesn't Delete Skin Templates [*]Hook point "hasopenid" appears twice in skin_login [*]core_sys_module.sys_module_version is too small [*][This site] pagination on Search Results [*]New BlogPost looks wierd on 3.0.3 [*]HTTPS not used for Sign In page [*]HTTPS not used on submit in Resend Validation form. [*]Manage Languages list should be sorted by key [*]Image resized to Infinity! [*]Changing Display Name doesn't use HTTPS [*]Customer Resources topics when searching [*]Cached signtures and guests [*]Database checker can't recognize ` character [*]Have to have 'start topic' permission with posting API [*]missing language string breaks the layout [*]wrong title for help buttons [*]Max. Size of Post does not apply to edit/reply [*]Portal links in ACP wrong, and gallery settings [*]pollDisplay HTML doesn't validate [*]HTML example causes JS errors in editor page [*]ul.post_controls CSS for background doesn't validate [*]Calendar application removal doesn't remove it's associated tasks [*]'Hide posts below 0 points' doesn't work [*]Calendary RSS feed does not show in list [*]User Group Name Limitation [*]Language for emails not honored [*]ignore list conversion [*]Guests default options [*]Hardcoded - ACP - Reputation [*]Applications - Import replacements [*]A couple of issues installing/uninstalling hooks [*]$our_mgroups - online list [*]View New Content and Active Content List in forum view is not styled consistently [*]Missing lang string [*]Try-catch problems with classPost.php [*]CPU Settings groups [*]Board says I'm ignoring somebody that I'm not [*]Hook Inserts [*]cannot add user agent groups [*]CCS searches for things different to elsewhere [*]PM attachments when copying participants [*]Hardcoded texts - ACP [*]bug with the DB index checker [*]harcoded language in cp_skin_chat.php [*]Flag as Spammer [*]Warnings displayed incorrectly in profiles [*]No IP.Converge Settings [*]no default language set... [*]Strict mode error creating new forum [*]ACP -> Manage Restrictions missing language key [*]Bad word filter doesn't apply to Facebook-sourced Status Updates [*]RTE in Safari [*]Flag as spammer [*]PHP tags with backslashes [*]EULA Typo [*]Importing CSS in in_dev mode still not working [*]RSS feed broken [*]Can't add 0 to a poll question [*]Friends/visitors/comments in profile Part Deux [*]Attachments filename [*]Mini Profil Popup is not working [*]SQL Debug [*]Slight skin issue [*]prototype.js rc3 [*]Uninstalling an hook doesn't run the custom script [*]silentRedirect fails for external urls [*]Weird code tag bug

[*]Manage Banned Members

  • Author

I don't see it. All is there are skin changes, but I don't want to look at codes, I want to see, what was fixed.

Possible, but it'd be easier to have a whole list on one page.


It has been posted in the announcements section


3.0.4 is almost entirely bug fixes. If you want to know exactly what bugs were fixed, have a look in the tracker.

  • Author

Thanks BacTalan :)

Where can I find a change log so I can upload only the minimum required files? Thank you.

  • Management

I will post the list of changed files since 3.0.3 but we do suggest you simply upload all files. There are so many changed files we could have easily missed some from the list.

admin applications core js ipb3CSS.js ipb3Replacements.js ipb3TemplateSandR.js ipb3uAgents.js modules_admin ajax css.php hooks.php livesearch.php templates.php applications applications.php hooks.php setup.php diagnostics diagnostics.php languages manage_languages.php logs errorlogs.php warnlogs.php mycp dashboard.php posts badwords.php bbcode.php emoticons.php media.php sql mssql.php system taskmanager.php templates skinsets.php tools.php tools cache.php login.php performance.php rebuild.php settings.php modules_public ajax facebook.php findnames.php attach attach.php global register.php reports reports.php search search.php usercp manualResolver.php setup versions install sql core_mssql_tables.php core_mysql_tables.php upg_10002 version_upgrade_mysql.php upg_30001 mssql_updates.php mssql_updates_1.php mssql_updates_4.php mysql_updates_5.php version_upgrade.php upg_30003 mssql_updates.php upg_30010 mssql_updates.php skin_cp cp_skin_adminlogs.php cp_skin_applications.php cp_skin_diagnostics.php cp_skin_help_files.php cp_skin_modlogs.php cp_skin_system.php cp_skin_templates.php cp_skin_tools.php sources classes attach class_attach.php plugin_msg.php plugin_post.php reportLibrary.php reportNotifications.php reportPlugins blog.php xml admin_core_language_pack.xml core_bbcode.xml core_lofi_css.xml core_lofi_templates.xml core_mediatag.xml core_root_css.xml core_root_templates.xml core_settings.xml core_tasks.xml core_xmlskin_css.xml core_xmlskin_templates.xml public_core_language_pack.xml versions.xml forums app_class_forums.php extensions furlTemplates.php searchDisplay.php searchPlugin.php js acp.forums.js modules_admin attachments types.php forums forums.php moderator.php multimods.php rss export.php import.php statistics stats.php modules_public ajax topics.php extras stats.php forums announcements.php boards.php markasread.php topics.php moderate moderate.php post post.php setup versions install sql forums_mssql_tables.php forums_mysql_tables.php skin_cp cp_skin_forums.php sources classes digest.php forums admin_forum_functions.php class_forums.php moderate.php post classPost.php classPostForms.php xml admin_forums_language_pack.xml forums_lofi_templates.xml forums_root_templates.xml forums_settings.xml forums_xmlskin_templates.xml hooks recent_topics.xml watched_items.xml public_forums_language_pack.xml versions.xml members extensions furlTemplates.php usercpForms.php modules_admin bulkmail bulkmail.php groups groups.php members banfilters.php customfields.php members.php ranks.php reputation.php tools.php modules_public ajax card.php dst.php rate.php list view.php online online.php profile friends.php view.php skin_cp cp_skin_banfilters.php cp_skin_bulkmail.php cp_skin_groups.php cp_skin_member.php cp_skin_reputation.php cp_skin_tools.php sources classes messaging messengerFunctions.php tabs gallery.php posts.php topics.php sql messengerSearch_mssql.php xml admin_members_language_pack.xml members_lofi_templates.xml members_root_css.xml members_root_templates.xml members_settings.xml members_xmlskin_templates.xml public_members_language_pack.xml versions.xml applications_addon ips blog extensions coreExtensions.php furlRedirect.php furlTemplates.php portalPlugins blogs.php usercpForms.php modules_admin cblocks manage.php customize custom.php headers.php groups manage.php tools rebuild.php modules_public actions forward.php ajax findblogs.php display archive.php blog.php external trackback.php post mod.php setup versions install sql blog_mssql_fulltext.php upg_14004 mssql_updates.php upg_14006 mssql_updates.php upg_20000 version_upgrade.php skin_cp cp_skin_blog.php sources lib entry_add_cblock.php entry_edit_entry.php entry_new_entry.php entry_reply_entry.php lib_blogfunctions.php xml admin_blog_language_pack.xml blog_lofi_css.xml blog_lofi_templates.xml blog_root_css.xml blog_root_templates.xml blog_settings.xml blog_xmlskin_css.xml blog_xmlskin_templates.xml public_blog_language_pack.xml versions.xml calendar extensions portalPlugins calendar.php rssOutput.php modules_admin calendar calendars.php modules_public calendar calendars.php skin_cp cp_skin_calendar.php xml admin_calendar_language_pack.xml calendar_lofi_templates.xml calendar_root_css.xml calendar_root_templates.xml calendar_settings.xml calendar_xmlskin_templates.xml hooks board_index_calendar.xml public_calendar_language_pack.xml versions.xml chat modules_public ajax update.php parachat chat.php skin_cp cp_skin_chat.php xml admin_chat_language_pack.xml chat_lofi_templates.xml chat_root_css.xml chat_root_templates.xml chat_settings.xml chat_xmlskin_templates.xml public_chat_language_pack.xml versions.xml downloads modules_admin customize cfields.php mimetypes.php tools bulkimport.php modules_public ajax comments.php post submit.php setup versions upg_20000 version_upgrade.php skin_cp cp_skin_mimetypes.php cp_skin_tools.php sources classes categories.php cfields.php storage url.php xml admin_downloads_language_pack.xml downloads_lofi_css.xml downloads_lofi_templates.xml downloads_root_css.xml downloads_root_templates.xml downloads_settings.xml downloads_xmlskin_css.xml downloads_xmlskin_templates.xml public_downloads_language_pack.xml versions.xml gallery extensions admin group_form.php coreVariables.php searchPlugin.php modules_admin cats manage.php groups manage.php media manage.php postform postform.php modules_public cats list.php post image.php stats stats.php setup versions install sql gallery_mssql_inserts.php upg_30000 version_upgrade.php skin_cp cp_skin_gallery.php sources libs lib_categories.php lib_gallery.php lib_imagelisting.php lib_notifications.php xml admin_gallery_language_pack.xml gallery_lofi_css.xml gallery_lofi_templates.xml gallery_root_css.xml gallery_root_templates.xml gallery_settings.xml gallery_xmlskin_css.xml gallery_xmlskin_templates.xml public_gallery_language_pack.xml versions.xml portal modules_admin portal portal.php xml admin_portal_language_pack.xml portal_lofi_templates.xml portal_root_templates.xml portal_settings.xml portal_xmlskin_templates.xml public_portal_language_pack.xml versions.xml other subscriptions modules_admin subscriptions manage.php setup versions install sql subscriptions_mssql_tables.php subscriptions_mssql_uninstall.php subscriptions_mysql_tables.php sources classes classGateway.php subsLib.php xml public_subscriptions_language_pack.xml subscriptions_lofi_templates.xml subscriptions_root_templates.xml subscriptions_settings.xml subscriptions_xmlskin_templates.xml versions.xml extensions userAgents.php js acp.hooks.js acp.languages.js acp.livesearch.js acp.menu.js acp.tabbed_basic_editor.js acp.templates.js setup applications install sections install.php upgrade sections upgrade.php sources base ipsRegistry_setup.php templates skin_setup.php xml config.xml skin_cp acp_editor.css cp_skin_global.php sources base core.php ipsController.php ipsRegistry.php classes bbcode core.php custom defaults.php class_localization.php class_reputation_cache.php class_taskmanager.php customfields profileFields.php editor class_editor.php class_editor_rte.php facebook connect.php itemmarking classItemMarking.php member memberFunctions.php output adminOutput.php formats html htmlOutput.php publicOutput.php search sphinxIndexPlugin.php session publicSessions.php sso.rename.php skins skinCaching.php skinFunctions.php skinImportExport.php useragents userAgentFunctions.php handlers han_email.php han_login.php han_parse_bbcode.php loginauth convert auth.php external auth.php live acp.php auth.php loginauth_install.xml login_core.php openid loginauth_install.xml template_plugins tp_date.php tp_striping.php tp_url.php blog colorpicker Slider.js slider.js converge_local converge.php interface blog apis server_blogger.php server_metaweblog.php xmlrpc.php public js ipb.js ipb_blog.js ipb_bloglist.js ipb_blogxml.js ips.attach.js ips.board.js ips.editor.js ips.post.js ips.topic.js ips.ucp.js resources skins setsData.xml style_css master_css ipb_styles.css ips_kernel ClassApiServer.phpClassConvertCharset.phpClassDb.phpClassDbMysql.phpClassDbMysqlClient.phpClassDbMysqliClient.phpClassEmail.phpClassTemplateEngine.php db_lib mysql_tools.php


The big question from the skinners, is there a list of CSS changes, that we need to for our skins, if there are any?

[quote name='AlbusDumbledore' date='07 October 2009 - 01:13 PM' timestamp='1254935589' post='1864327']

The big question from the skinners, is there a list of CSS changes, that we need to for our skins, if there are any?

Werd... It would save me a few minutes having to compare for myself in Notepad Plus.

If you think ahead, you can do that part yourself by creating a new skin set before upgrading, changing some small thing in the stylesheet [adding a space] to mark it as modified, then upgrading and comparing for differences.

  • Management

CSS Changes:


ul.post_controls { - background: inherit url(../../style_images/master/gradient_bg.png) repeat-x 50%; + background-image: url(../../style_images/master/gradient_bg.png); + background-repeat: repeat-x; + background-position: 50%; font-size: 0.8em; text-align: right; padding: 6px 10px 28px 6px;

Weird, that section of my board isn't behaving correctly with these CSS changes, my post_controls bar has lost its background color. Checking Firebug, I don't see this site using those CSS classes that difference reports says were added, like background-image.

CSS Changes:


ul.post_controls {
- background: inherit url(../../style_images/master/gradient_bg.png) repeat-x 50%;
+ background-image: url(../../style_images/master/gradient_bg.png);
+ background-repeat: repeat-x;
+ background-position: 50%;
font-size: 0.8em;
text-align: right;
padding: 6px 10px 28px 6px;

ul.post_controls {
background-color: inherit;
background-image: url(http://community.invisionpower.com/public/style_images/master/gradient_bg.png);
background-repeat: repeat-x;
background-position: 50%;
font-size: 0.8em;
text-align: right;
padding: 6px 10px 28px 6px;
clear: both;

This is what my bit looks like in the default skin.

Not good. It broke my custom skin. If that is the only change. I can live without it. Was there a fix this was suppose to fix?

You have to remove the background-color: inherit line. That's what the - symbol stands for in Charles' post.

It looks like that 'fix' didn't make it into the release based on the feedback/tickets I've seen.

[quote name='AlbusDumbledore' date='07 October 2009 - 05:07 PM' timestamp='1254949677' post='1864436']
Not good. It broke my custom skin. If that is the only change. I can live without it. Was there a fix this was suppose to fix?

The original CSS line was invalid and therefore the browsers were throwing away that line. When they broke it into the individual lines, these new lines started working again. Unfortunately, they did not want to inherit the background color since that color is white (and this setting overwrote the background-color for ul.post_controls earlier in the file). So, removing that inherit let the background color for ul.post_controls be the background color.

Frankly, it might have been less confusing if they moved the earlier setting for background-color for ul.post_controls to this section (along with div.post_controls) so they would have noticed that they were incorrectly overwriting the background color when they set it to inherit.

[quote name='bfarber' date='07 October 2009 - 06:02 PM' timestamp='1254952954' post='1864463']
You have to remove the background-color: inherit line. That's what the - symbol stands for in Charles' post.

It looks like that 'fix' didn't make it into the release based on the feedback/tickets I've seen.

Manual made the fix and all is well.

[quote name='Charles' date='07 October 2009 - 01:03 PM' timestamp='1254935009' post='1864318']
I will post the list of changed files since 3.0.3 but we do suggest you simply upload all files. There are so many changed files we could have easily missed some from the list.

This may sound like a dumb question, but how did you get that printout of a directory structure? Is that something SVN does or is it some other folder/file compare program? I thought I had remember matt explaining it a few versions back when someone else asked, but I can't seem to find it. Also, along those lines, does it generate the BB code or did you have to do that manually for a forum post o.0

Matt probably wrote a bash script to pull a list of changed files between revisions from SVN. Once you have that it's easy to format it for BBCode.

ah i was hoping it was something simple lol. now i have to research what bash scripts are >_< bash 101 here i come x.x

You could also just use a file diff program.

If I remember, I'll post the relevant bits from my script. I use it to build patches that contains changed files between revision x and y. The command to get the changed files is a one liner.

yeah I had been using win merge, but I only needed that for inside the file changes. I was trying to find something like what they posted, that would show a list of changed files in a directory since last build or usage....if that makes sense.

svn log "$workingDir/mckeelschools/trunk/$schoolToBuild" -vq -r$startingRev:$endingRev | egrep '^ {3}[AMR] ' | cut -c6- | sort | uniq > "$buildDir/$filesName"

echo "Copying files over..."

for i in $(cat $buildDir$filesName);


	if [[ "$i" =~ "mck_kernel" ]] ; then




	dr=`dirname $basePath`

	echo $basePath

	if ! [ -d $buildDir$patchDir/$dr ] ; then

		mkdir -p $buildDir$patchDir/$dr


	cp $workingDir$i $buildDir$patchDir/$basePath


Getting the list of files changed between 2 revisions is easy. Matt has a little php or perl script (like Brandon D there) that then formats it into nested bbcode based on the path.

I really like the change to "Validating Members" in the ACP.

How it now shows if they are "User" or "Admin" status.

Nice work and thanks! :)


This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies.

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