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Better WYSIWYG editor to win Vbulletin

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I have been researching all boards and forum systems.

I think most of us agree that VB and IPB are the big players...

I think both boards have excellent features....

BUT....I think that VB wysiwyg editor is far better than IPB....

If it where possible to add a better editor to IPB (like TinyMCE or FCKEditor) I think that IPB would be the WINNER AND BEST BOARD ON EARTH !!!

What do you think?

(I am not programmer...I don

i thought both those editors horrible and over complex, i'm definitely against this idea. And just cus vb does something is doesn't mean ipb has to follow.

Please do not post topics about IPS or its products and services here.


Aren't both the editors... similar? I thought I read somewhere they were inspired by the same source.

How about instead of trying to incorporate some other editor we have little control over, you go into more details as to what is wrong with the existing one. :) I'd be happy to consider (errr, ask Matt to consider ;) ) taking a look at any issues with our editor, but 99% of the feedback provided on it is that it's the best editor available when compared to the competition (i.e. other open source wysiwyg editors).

I personally think, the IP.Board editor is the best around :/

It is the best editor, vBulletins editor is actually in a polite matter, poo! The CSS styles on this editor is brilliant aswell ;) Alot simpler and cleaner to use, though thats the good thing with IPB, the skin is a lot nicer :)

The main problem I ahve with it is duplicate areas of bb codes. But I was one of the oens wanting that side panel, so id on't know what the solution is on that.

the best wysiwyg editor iv seen are the ones on msn groups message boards.
It can do tables and almost anything. Although the design is crappy.
Have any of you tried it?

Aren't both the editors... similar? I thought I read somewhere they were inspired by the same source.

That's what it seems like to me. They are styled differently, but at the end of the day, more or less do the exact same thing.

I personally think, the IP.Board editor is the best around :/

I like the styling the best, but again, I don't think it's really any better or worse than any others...

It is the best editor, vBulletins editor is actually in a polite matter, poo! The CSS styles on this editor is brilliant aswell ;) Alot simpler and cleaner to use, though thats the good thing with IPB, the skin is a lot nicer :)

This is all a matter of opinion, though, and doesn't really make for good pre-sales arguments.

How about instead of trying to incorporate some other editor we have little control over, you go into more details as to what is wrong with the existing one. :) I'd be happy to consider (errr, ask Matt to consider ;) ) taking a look at any issues with our editor, but 99% of the feedback provided on it is that it's the best editor available when compared to the competition (i.e. other open source wysiwyg editors).

I agree, I was at internet world exhibition in London today and VBulletin were there trying to sell their product. The one thing that was very noticeable was how ugly and less user friendly their editor is.

The Ipb is better ..
Specialy for the new generation..

The Ipb is better ..

Specialy for the new generation..

New generation? And what makes IP.Board's better? It does exactly the same job as the rich-text editor on vBulletin, it just looks different.

Despite a few minor glitches it has, I think the new 2.2 editor is 1000x better than the 2.1 version. And comparing it to vB, IPB's is a whole lot better.

Doing tables is a very bad idea. Why? Because if the user does the table wrong it will break your forum. The only way to keep it from breaking your forum is by isolating the html from the rest of the board.

The only way to isolate html, that I know of, is by placing each post into an iframe. If you loaded each post in an iframe by http, that would be insane... It would increase the load because there would have to be an http request per post... The only way around loading it into the frame with http is by using javascript. Essentially you would load a blank page in the frame and insert each post with javascript. But even that's a bit insane...

It's definitely a problem that IPS has little or no control over. I wish there was an <isolate></isolate> tag that would isolate html inside from the rest of the page (outside the tags). That way if the html inside breaks, it doesn't break everything else...

i guess it could be done if ipb made their own structure for tables so it was done via bbcode alternatives so you never actually see the table code. Also it could check the tags on post to see they were all closed or give an error or autoclose them. Another alternative is like the word button for making tables where it drops down and you choose the size of the table so people wouldn't have to code it manually at all. these are just ideas tho and maybe not proper solutions.

There's two problems with that:

1) It doesn't matter what kind of html you use... If you don't end a tag or don't use the tag correctly you can still break something.
2) If IPB tries to auto close, there is no guarantee it will do it 100% correct. It may still end up looking like crap or breaking things further.

As I said before the only way to make tables viable is if the html posted was isolated... The only way to do that, currently, is with an iframe.

yea i know luke, another one i kinda covered was with the auto button... so basically have a input for rows, another for colums and a button that automatically inputs the table based on those fields. only problem with that is to have the code hidden away so maybe something like [table=rows:3;columns:3] and then bbcode parses it somehow then possibly something to check if table bbcode present it takes you to another box on post where the table is drawn to input your data. again long winded and maybe not the best solution but is a workable one.

I hate auto-close, sometimes I click B to get bold, but then decide not to... once I post, I get and crap at the end of my posts... wee :D

i wounder why some tags are not WYSIWUG, like the alignment and quotes, why are they not like the Blod and font type and size were the tags are not shown to the user.


Alignment is WYSIWYG, it positions it correctly for me.

Not here.

It does for me, too.

what is wrong with the existing one.

...for example you have removed the copy/cut/add function that was available until ipb 2.1 :(

...for example you have removed the copy/cut/add function that was available until ipb 2.1 :(

This is most likely because it doesn't work cross browser without extra configuration in some browsers.
For example in Mozilla firefox the cut and past buttons didn't work but personally I always use the keyboard shortcuts anyway
ctrl + c for copy ctrl + x for cut and ctrl + v for paste this works cross browser

...for example you have removed the copy/cut/add function that was available until ipb 2.1 :(

There's always keyboard shortcuts or right click -> cut/copy/paste.


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