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Updated Request: Uploading Photos & Avatars for Existing Members

Guest Barbie8Ken

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I think it is unreal that we can edit so many things to help correct and fix our members usernames, passwords, profiles, settings, email addresses, display names and everything else in the world, but if they can't figure out how to upload their own profile photo or avatar, then we can't help them with that unless we go through manually resizing the photo, then FTPing into the server and searching for the location to upload it to, then uploading it, then going into their profile and naming the photo's location so it will appear.

That's crazy to have to do all that when there should be the same features in the admin section that the members have so that we can quickly and easily do it for them without having to go through everything I described above.

I request that this be included in the next upgrade as I'm sure this is a popular missing item that many will appreciate.

Thank you,
Barbie :)


I also agree to this. There should be options in IP.Board to allow the administrator(s) to change a users' avatar and or personal profile image easily, within the admin control panel.


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