- Released 03/08/2019
- Current release: No
- Beta release: No
- Soft release: No
Version 4.4.1 is a small maintenance update to fix issues reported since 4.4.0.
This release also contains a critical security update for Commerce.
This is a security release and we recommend all clients upgrade as soon as possible.
- Improved auto-upgrader for Community In The Cloud clients when an unexpected failure is detected.
- Added AdminCP search keywords to aid in finding certain new features in 4.4.x.
- Made several adjustments to HTTP/2 push/preloading to improve overall performance of most requests and resolve minor bugs.
- Changed database connector so that a database connection is only established once it is actually needed.
- Improved performance of 4.4.0 upgrades for sites with lots of members.
- Improved performance of content item and comment sidebar blocks restricted to specific containers.
- Improved Post Before Registering to allow the user to remove their submission and email address.
- Changed the error message for a failed login the same regardless of the reason for extra security.
- Fixed an issue where guest "post before register" submissions may show up in widgets before the guest registers.
- Fixed an SQL error during the 4.4.0 upgrade in some environments.
- Fixed several areas in the suite where images were not "lazy-loaded" as expected.
- Fixed link styling in announcement banners making the text difficult to read in some browsers.
- Fixed an issue where private conversations may incorrectly get flagged for automatic moderation.
- Fixed miscellaneous HTML markup errors.
- Fixed an issue where users could encounter an error by logging in with a new social account after already associating with a social account.
- Fixed some issues with the "Emails failing to send" AdminCP notification.
- Fixed frontend upgrade notice linking to the frontend instead of ACP.
- Fixed Application icon getting lost when the datastore is flushed.
- Fixed 'Error is logged' AdminCP Notification displaying incorrectly.
- Fixed an issue where the newsletter signup block was showing an error to guests.
- Fixed incorrect colors showing in the visual theme editor when creating a new easy mode theme.
- Fixed an issue visiting certain URLs when a community is installed into specifically named subdirectories.
- Fixed the email statistics setting not showing the correctly saved value.
- Fixed an issue with button spacing on mobile.
- Fixed an issue where streams may go missing if a guest member object is deleted.
- Fixed a styling issue on certain forms such as the AdminCP notification preferences form when using locales with a comma as the decimal separator.
- Fixed an issue where pagination may not work when 'rewrite FURLs' is not enabled.
- Fixed posts not retaining code syntax highlighting with some code languages.
- Fixed an issue where private conversations can be very slow to search.
- Fixed an issue with the Emoji shortcode popup when lazy load and Twitter Emoji are used.
- Fixed an issue with the setting for "Users can see records posted by other users" not being honored.
- Fixed some issues related to setting a custom start url in the web manifest.
- Fixed an issue where the prune members background task may stall if it encounters a staff account.
- Fixed an edge case issue where it was possible for the lazy load rebuild to affect embedded videos.
Core - REST
- Fixed disabled applications showing in the REST API area of the AdminCP.
- Fixed the Invision to Invision OAuth 2 login handler attempting to sync letter photos.
- Improved performance of the post feed widget.
- Removed Braintree option for new payment gateways.
- Removed the package moderation ability for moderators on the frontend.
- Removed a recommendation to switch to Braintree during upgrade.
- Restored ability to set up PayPal Billing Agreements.
- Fixed upgrading of expired purchases resulting in account credit being issued.
- Fixed inconsistent styling being applied to the Latest Products sidebar block.
- Made the grid vs list view theme setting translatable.
- Fixed an error viewing hosting accounts.
- Fixed PayPal checkouts through Braintree failing when tax is applied to the purchase.
- Fixed a missing language string when managing hosting accounts.
- Fixed an issue with configuring Braintree, if you have had any issues please open and re-save the Braintree settings.
- Fixed an issue where paid support request custom fields would show for none paid support departments.
- Fixed an issue where viewing a product may not work under certain circumstances.
- Fixed a duplicated HTML element ID (which prevents the page from passing as "valid HTML").
- Fixed an issue where the Facebook Pixel for purchase events was missing currency and value.
- Fixed an issue where reciprocal "back links" may be incorrectly deleted from records.
- Fixed an issue where importing a database would fail.
- Fixed a potential upgrade issue if orphaned data was present.
- Fixed an issue where notifications for new images can send indefinitely.
- Fixed an error attempting to move all albums from a category to another category in the AdminCP.
- Fixed an issue where notifications for new files can send indefinitely.
- Fixed issues with Downloads files linked to Commerce packages that are deleted.
- Fixed a styling issue with the blog header on mobile.
- Clarified that guests will bypass the post before register feature when guests have the "Can comment on blog entries" Group Setting is enabled.
- Fixed issues converting tags for database records in some cases.
Changes affecting third-party developers and designers
- Made Commerce Gateways extensible by removing hardcoded namespace paths to Gateway classes.
- Changed the FileStorage skeleton file so that a new instance does not cause a PHP error by default.
- The Widget skeleton file was updated to follow the new 4.4.0 logic for widget display options.
- Fixed an issue cloning custom fields if non-standard column names are used.
- Trying to set an invalid value for a setting will result in an InvalidArgumentException.
- Automatic moderation will now only be applied to content types that implement \IPS\Content\Hideable as this is required for automatic moderation to function correctly.
- Fixed an ErrorException occurring during content promotion when Facebook is set up but no Facebook Pages have been linked for promoting.
- Fixed an ErrorException that can occur if you attempt to upgrade/downgrade a package without renewal options in Commerce while IN_DEV.
- The frontend template controlStrip now supports specifying the target attribute for links.
- Fixed an ErrorException occurring when a user receives their first PM during the instantNotifications AJAX polling.