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Posts posted by IPS_Fan

  1. Each to their own I guess. I wouldn't want them like you have them. Too much visual pollution.

    Agreed. After reading this thread, and then wasting three and one-half minutes of my life watching that video, I am thinking about removing them from my forum - completely.

    If the biggest mistake we've made was neglecting the post icons, I think we're doing pretty good myself. :)

    No doubt. We should focus on other, more important things... like watching the paint dry on the wall. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: You guys do a great job! I love the software and the mods many of you come up with.
  2. I run a forum focused around older guys retiring in the Philippines. To make them change their passwords regularly, or to force them to use a password such as asdf*&$%JEOK is ridiculous. If it were possible for me to implement this feature, I wouldn't do so. But, as previously stated, it would be acceptable if we (Administrators) had control over the option:

    Amen Amen, my original suggestion was designed to have the CAPABILITY but to make it enforceable at the AdminCP's discretion.

    In my case, my older members like the KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) method. Older members of my forums don't like a lot of changes. Heck, I can only imagine a number of them having problems with v3.0. They have been accustomed to v2.0 for so long but now must change.

    Onward. Now, if what Charles states is true:

    Your site cannot be hacked from a member account being compromised :)

    If it's your account well then that's your own fault.

    Then there is no need for that option anyway.

    My two cents,
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