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Posts posted by villabus

  1. When a new action overloader is installed in the ACP, IPB loops through the existing hooks installed, and resets the "extends" part of the class definition appropriately.

    Say you have 1 hook installed that's like

    class myhook extends public_forums_forums_topics

    Then you install another hook that's

    class metoo extends public_forums_forums_topics

    When IPB goes to write the hook .php files to the hooks folder, it should actually change that second file to be

    class metoo extends myhook

    Then we instantiate metoo

    It doesn't work that way. That is why iBotPeaches hook stopped working.

    I just did 2 for class public_forums_moderate_moderate and both ended up written exactly as coded:

    class VAsl extends public_forums_moderate_moderate


    class VAct extends public_forums_moderate_moderate


    As a test This was the code to be executed.

    echo "<br> I am in VAct <br>";

    switch ( $this->request['do'] )


    case '40':




    parent::doExecute( $registry );

    echo "<br> I am in VAsl <br>";

    switch ( $this->request['do'] )


    case '41':




    parent::doExecute( $registry );

    Both work individually installed. If installed together the last one installed only works.

    I have the latest ver of 3.05 installed.

  2. Yes, that would be correct, because your "parent" would technically be the next class up the chain.

    As a developer in a large group of developers, how would you detemine that a class has been already extended and by what class without looking at every IPB hooks_files record on every site to be installed?

    By the way php classes can be extended more than once as in this example:

    class employee { protected $empname; protected $empage; function setdata($empname,$empage) { $this->empname = $empname; $this->empage = $empage; } function outputData(){} } class EmployeeData extends employee //extending abstract class { function __construct($name,$age) { $this->setdata($name,$age); } function outputData() { echo $this->empname; echo $this->empage; } } class EmployeeD extends employee //extending abstract class { function __construct($name,$age) { $this->setdata($name,$age); } function outputData() { echo $this->empname; echo $this->empage; } } $a = new EmployeeData("Hitesh","24"); $a->outputData(); $b = new EmployeeD("Jones","30"); $b->outputData(); ?>


    It is not the preferred method but when developing hooks while others are developing hooks without any communication it would seem to be the only way.

    I am waiting for an answer as I have already run into this problem numerous times and having to go to every site that installs it to find the other class really defeats th idea of having classes.

    Thanks in advance

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