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China J

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China J last won the day on April 5 2009

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    Troy MI
  • Interests
    Women, jquery mobile, Mac, Food

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  1. What I like to see is the ability to disable mouse wheel from zooming in and out. The reason I say this is I typically scroll a page using mouse wheel but when I hit the map page to scroll down the map just zooms out so I cant see anything. Using the map slider does not positions the map back to its original point. I then have to refresh the page to reset the map and then carefully maneuver around it to my browser scroll bar to see full map. The only other solution I can suggest for this if not possible is to add a sidebar so that one can have room on side of map to scroll the page without it affecting the map zoom. Good job so far... Thanks.
  2. What would be nice is to option to disable members repping themselves. Meaning they are not allowed to give reps to themselves. I thought this would have been a obvious setting but un able to find.
  3. File Name: RSVP Event Management System File Submitter: China J File Submitted: 23 Jul 2008 File Category: Components * File Name: RSVP Coyote 4.2 * Owner: China J * Category: IPB Component 2.3.X * Description: Installing this mod will add an RSVP System to your website, configurable via the ACP. You can use this to take signups or reservations for a range of possibilities, including (but not limited to): Petitions, Private Parties, Reception Parties for weddings, Car Shows, Competitions, Reservations, Helpdesk, Census, Gaming Sites, Polls and etc. The Possibilities are limitless smile.gif You can host multiple events and sign-ups at any given time. Your members can view & sign up to multiple events current, view past and closed signups. You can even restrict special events to premium groups! This mod will make use of your IPB calender system as a added plus and show the events in your calender boardstats for upcoming future events. It will also auto generate a PM when the member sign-up is edit and or confirmed. RSVP Coyote System was originally made by bfarber. Ideas and funding by China J. A mod for Invision Power Board v2.3.x Two Small File Edits in total between the two files listed below: * index.php * lang/en/lang_email_content.php Features * Rebuilded up inform of component *NEW * Fully Integrated with Invision Power Board 2.3.x *NEW * Manage Events Section completely revamped *NEW * Ability to add, edit, cancel and delete events * Ability to add moderators for each event *NEW * Per-event custom fields * Utilizes IPB's caching system to reduce queries run on each page *NEW * Skin and language independent, fully editable via ACP * All Admin actions logged * In-line ability to edit attendee's status and send them a PM alerting them of changes. *NEW * Ability to sign people up for event manually * Ability to edit reservations * Ability to clear a signup list completely * Ability in ACP to manage and ban users from signing up * (If allowed) members can edit their signup information * Ability to request cancellation from an event, and moderator-only ability to approve cancellation request * In-line username lookup when manually adding a person to an event * Ability to set guest count, which is included in tallying the positions still available * Ability to set system on and off * Ability to automatically generate a topic in a specified forum when a new event is announced * Ability to automatically generate a mention in the calendar for the event date with a link to sign up *NEW * Ability to update an auto-generated topic and close it if the event is cancelled *NEW * Ability to automatically email all attendees a message if an event is cancelled *NEW * Navigation, quick stats, top events, status legend, and notes blocks configurable via ACP * Ability to set an event "hot" after a specified number of signups * Ability to allow member's to hide their real name if desired (Staff and moderators can see hidden names) * Ability to configure a sponsors block per-event if desired (and ability to disable block if not desired) *NEW * Per-event group permissions (useful if you wish to make elite events for specific groups) *NEW * Automatic random (current) event shown on the main page * Order of event signups now indicated with numerical value *NEW * Ability to reorder custom fields *NEW * Full Rich Text Editor for Event Description *NEW * Full Rich Text Editor for Event Teaser *NEW * Full Rich Text Editor for PM creation *NEW * Full Rich Text Editor for Sponsor block *NEW * Full Rich Text Editor for Quick Notes *NEW * Full Rich Text Editor for Sign Up Close *NEW * Pagination to show X amount of signups per page *NEW * System uses an inline error/offline system to avoid confusion, with an ACP-configurable message for offline status *NEW * Random Event on RSVP index page ( Every page refresh will display a current random event) This mod was designed to be installed using the Universal Mod Installer, available from IPS Resources, or Invision Modding. If you have an old version of the RSVP installed, version 3 or earlier, please uninstall before installing this mod again. RSVP Coyote 4.2.0 Donation: $40 (USD) All monies received will go to Peekaboo Missing Child fund and therefore all monies sent for this Modification must be in the form of a donation. What that means is that you must specifically Choose transaction type = Donation and state in your paypal description/comments that the monies sent is for Peekaboo Missing Child fund RSVP and in return as a gift, you will be sent this modification as a thank you for your donation. Any funds sent for this modification that are not addressed as Donation will be rejected! Demo login/pass = demo/demo Link above for demo url^ Click here to download this file
  4. File Name: (CJ23) Hover_Skin_ Pack_2 File Submitter: China J File Submitted: 28 Apr 2008 File Category: Other Second Edition of skin packs. This edition is based on warm colors with a glassy transparent affect. Online Hover Mod 1.3 is required and is a paid modification (All proceeds 100% to charity) that can be Found Here. This skin pack includes 6 images that you can choose from to upload to your skin image directory so that each skin has it's own unique hover background for the active users and members online list. Feel free to submit skin packs that you create. Click here to download this file
  5. File Name: (CJ23) Hover_Skin_ Pack_1 File Submitter: China J File Submitted: 20 Jan 2008 File Category: Other Note: Online Hover Mod 1.2 is required and is a paid modification that can be Found Here. This skin pack includes 5 images that you can choose from to upload to your skin image directory so that each skin has it's own unique hover background. Feel free to submit skin packs that you create. Click here to download this file
  6. File Name: M&M Cocktails System 1.0.6 File Submitter: China J File Submitted: 27 Mar 2006 File Category: Components Cocktails System 1.0 © 2006, Mohamed & China J All Coding written by mohamed aka M&M - Special copyrights and thxs goes to China J whom had great role in thinking and shaping of system look and build ,whom without i wouldn't have made it in that harmony.... :thumbs: Component System New Layout Favorite Recipes Manage Favorites Favorites in catorgory view Comments Section with smilies Comments Section hide/unhide button - similar to fast reply Added Add A Comment Section works just like Fast Reply in forums topics(Will Have button to open/close) Total Comments to show per page added in ACP Submitted By: Author Name (main Page View) Total Recipes to display per page(added next to "sort" button) and option to set in ACP Macro buttons to customize look and feel IPB Style Rating System(similar to forums/blogs) Unlimited Sub Categories Unlimited Sub Categories of Sub Cats Category editing/adding is setup like the forums Re-order cats ability included. Posts to Forums Member Options Dropdown Menu Added Teaser feature to Description with settings in ACP New copyright feature - "About Cocktails" link - that details version, build, authors & credits. Recipe preview with thumbnail Moderation Queue for members recipes waiting approval link. Example: Manage Cocktails (5). Member link that will display total new recipes since last visit - (5) New Cocktails - also acts as link to see new. Imaged added to "recipe name view" to show Favorites Icon/Comments Icon/Ratings using stars instead of textcustom fields pm system subscription system search system members stats system categories image feature member info in topics/profile(number of cocktails) -Functioning HOT! icon - Original was hot on submission only - This version is Hot based on comments. So if the setting is hot on 10 comments, it will be blue for less than 5 comments, purple for 6-9 comments and red -for 10 or more comments. -Auto Change feature in installation to allow you to choose to install as a Tutorials/Recipes/Reviews/Jokes/Media/Artists/Cocktails System... All this to allow you to run side by side sharing same queries - meaning no extra queries added...Future release. v1.0.2 *some bugs in sources/mohamedmods/cocktail/coc_kernel.php reupload it for upgrade v1.0.3 *security Holes Shutdown important upgrade reupload all sources folder content v 1.0.4 installer fix missing <![CDATA[ v 1.0.5 white page bug fixed Just re-upload mod and run uninstall then re-run install again. v1.0.6 Minor bugs fixess 04/25/2006 Future Release | Status = 100% Completed Click here to download this file
  7. Ah sorry, I see the icons now. I was thinking the old way of holding down on mouse to activate the edit field. :P
  8. Has this feature been removed? I can't seem to find any settings for it.
  9. As for recent replies here is a super active site that uses something similar called forumpulse http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/zomg-gaia-s-mmo/f.259/ Click on the "Reopen Forum Pulse" link just the the NewTopic Button Icon in upper right of forum board.
  10. Normally when I cut and paste a link from the forum index - The what you see is what you get normally works at least in 2.3.6 it does cause I just tried it. Goto the forum index and just copy the hyperlinked info on the right for latest reply. It's looks fine until you click submit.
  11. I guess we can see a bug above :) Should read: Should we drop PM table before upgrading?by Rod.41 minutes ago
  12. I'm not for sure about anyone else, but this feature really does nothing for me as it stands. I would rather much see "Recently Added Replies" That way active topics are bumped in the list and I as a admin or member can see what's new, hot and active off the back and that would include new topics and replies. But just new topics alone is a stale feature imo. I mean you have no clue if it's an active topic or if it contains any replies. Kinda made you look for no reason joke right? Example: Says topic created 41 minutes ago. That's annoying to me as I would prefer to see the latest activity in that topic if I'm forced to view in list as I know there was 2 replies within the last 5 minutes in that topic but that info is not shown to me nor is the list updated with who last replied. Be nice to see the list update via ajax or a on/off setting for it in the acp so that you don't have to refresh the board on a active site to see what's new if any. Anyway, I mentioned this before at the test site so just thought I bring it back up again.
  13. I like to see ajax preview as you post... What I mean is Wordpress has this feature for comments that you can preview the comment as you are typing. Really cool feature to eliminate the need to go advanced just to see what a reply or comment is going to look like when you are in fast reply mode or posting mode. This would definately be awsome in post mode so I dont have to keep clicking preview with a page refresh everytime. You know... How the page locks up when someones server is hanging lol. Ideally this can be used globally for blogs and gallery too. ;)
  14. Just so you don't get to ahead of yourself :P
  15. Add system like IP.Converge has to manage languages from ACP ie. Import, Export, Create New & Modify.
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