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Posts posted by bekay

  1. As far as I know (though admittedly I haven't researched), vBulletin is the only forum that does what you are suggesting.

    I think it's safe to say that the consensus amongst the developers here (myself included) is that we do not wish to change any of the links to load the post separately. It is very easy to cause confusion when a post is shown by itself, and outside the context of the thread in which it was made. Overall we prefer the linking functionality we have in place as it is.

    Oh, that's a pity. Well, I don't question this for some unrealistic reasons, actually it is a very practical problem: when there are pictures in the thread, you just can't head well for a special post. When the browser reaches the anchor of the post, sometimes the pictures of the above posts are still being loading. When they are finished loading, the vertical space of the site is expanded and the aimed post is shifted (sometimes far out of monitor display)... for this very annoying effect to happen it is enough to have 2-4 pictures stored at an imagehoster.
  2. Hello,

    this feature wasn't integrated in IPB 2 and it seems, Version 3 goes without it, too. I find it a little strange, because the seperate view of a single post is very common in other boards (like vBulletin). My problem is, that the links to the posts just access an anchor within the complete thread structure. Is there any possible way, to show a post separately via permalink? Just the post without the other posts inside the thread...

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