Do word filters work in profiles?
Here is a profile that uses a word in one of our word filters. It's a 4 letter word that starts with "s" and ends with "t". It appears that the word filter does not work in custom profile fields. Do you know if this is an oversight? Or is this an intentional design? Btw, none of us care about the s word in the profile, but we are wondering why the filter hasn't been applied. Thanks!
WAMP Installation Issue after upgrade to PHP 8
Ok just figured it out this morning (last night was difficult because there were all kinds of problems with my WAMP setup as it was 2 years old!). PHP had to be upgraded in order to get my 4.x test install working properly, but I was not noticing that each time I went to click "INSTALL", it was giving me localhost//admin/install with 2 double slashes. But that is what was giving me the headache, and I am sure this person's issue that I linked to had the same problem as me. Removing the double slash was the quick and easy fix.
WAMP Installation Issue after upgrade to PHP 8
I literally have the same problem as this person: Same error message and everything. I clear out my config_global.php so that I can just have a fresh install on my dev computer. But invision is assuming a default username of blank according to the error message. I am thinking this is a bug but I am unsure. There may be a workaround which is to copy over my database on my live site, but it would be a pain for me to do so. It's much cleaner and easier to do a fresh install for testing purposes. Any ideas?
Badges Admin Area: Need Pagination
I see. I should have said "should be simple UNLESS they used a different approach" 😅
Badges Admin Area: Need Pagination
Ah, thanks for the info. I've created applications with their dev tools (which are fantastic) and they have an easy to implement pagination widget in their SDK. So it would be a fairly simple thing to add on their end that would greatly improve the user experience. Hopefully this will be addressed in that update!
Badges Admin Area: Need Pagination
I am specifically talking about this page here: app=core&module=achievements&controller=badges I have a very eager staff at my community who love making new badges. We have around 122 custom ones so far! The problem? There's no pagination on this admin page, and the page takes a bit to load. I was wondering if a pagination can be added to help with this problem? Thanks!
Clicking on notifications: Number of unread notifs goes to 0. Everything turns "read"
Ok, I understand, thanks for the clarification. Will relay the message to the user that this is working as intended.
Clicking on notifications: Number of unread notifs goes to 0. Everything turns "read"
Ok I see. Just a simple follow up. Is there any way to have it where the dropdown notifications menu retains its "unread" status until it has actually been clicked? For example, shouldn't it at the very least mirror what's seen on the "/notifications/" page?
Clicking on notifications: Number of unread notifs goes to 0. Everything turns "read"
I'm just going to directly quote an issue a member of my forum came to me with: So my questions would be: Is there a way to have the notification count subtract by 1, as you click on each notification? If not, is there a way to keep the the messages in the notifications unread, until it is clicked? This leads me to the next issue, and I am not sure if this is a bug. The dropdown notification menu is always marked as "read". But the notification page correctly marks the threads as unread or read. They don't match, and you can take a look at my screenshot for an example.
How to update a member log in method from Facebook to Email
Ok thank you for the help.
How to update a member log in method from Facebook to Email
Is it possible for a user to update their login method from Facebook to normal email sign in? Can you take a look at this user inquiry and let me know if / how this could be achieved?
Topic view count not updating
Nevermind, I think my cron tasks were backlogged. I forgot that I updated my PHP to 8.0 recently and changing the cron command seemed to have fixed the issue.
Topic view count not updating
For some reason my forum's topic view count is no longer updating. Any ideas on why this is? You can check it out for yourself here.
Attachment Downloads Error
Ahh, ok I see the problem. Thank you for the tips, I was able to resolve by using the security key field in the core attachments table.
Attachment Downloads Error
After a certain date, it seems that the attachment downloads link stopped working at some point. If you take a look here, you will see what I mean: Gadget PDF: June 20, 2021 (works!) Piano Sonatina in D.pdf: July 16, 2021 (does not work) I'm unsure what is going on here, but it does seem like an update of some sort broke the download links. Do you think this is something that could be fixed in a new update?
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