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Posts posted by HDTV

  1. Hello when you make registration you have "Custom Profile Fields" and inside you have show on registration page. Can you add this same option in groups ?

    For member when make new registration can choice language. My forum have 1 Group and mask by language. Actually I use system of payment for change this value. In new version of IPB 3.0 payment are not integrate. It's why I want have this option. Or it's you have forum of Game member can choice Clan when make registration, for this last option admin of clan receive message for accept member or not.

    In same time can choice if it's main group or second groups for this "Custom group Fields"

    and can make groups without mask.

    Like new member make choice French (secondary group) and principal group are beginner

    in French you have only Mask and not more and in beginner you have all authorization, can read topic, can close topic... can send 50 message...

    That member are limited in mask french but have evolution for authorization, and admin can simplify more forum.

    Example Actually:
    French Beginner, French standard, French Advanced...
    English Beginner, English standard, English Advanced...
    Spanish Beginner, Spanish standard, Spanish Advanced...
    German Beginner, German standard, German Advanced...
    = 12 Mask + 12 Groups

    with new technical
    Mask French + groups rules OFF and it's secondary groups
    Mask English + groups rules OFF
    Mask Spanish + groups rules OFF
    Groupes: Beginner, standard, Advanced (Basic Mask with Rules group or no mask.)

    4 Mask + 3 Groupes


  2. I have Cat French et many sub cat like 80 sub cat.

    French -> OSX, Linux IRIX, Windows -> Audio, Video...

    I want have possibility change value of French Sub Cat and have bouton propagate this all permissions or groups rules to all under sub cat. With message like when you select CP Admin to member.

    This function exist with CHMOD folder or all files and folder inside start folder.

    can you add please. I work now 1 month for change each value one by one. And sometimes I make mistake... and group permission don't have next bouton.

  3. Yes but it's not only for french and english I have 550 goups and 225 mask when I modify one group I want copy in other same rules not juste make alias or link

    Actually :

    1) I make new group with new rules with name "base"
    2) I create new group form base with correct name "Video Production +".
    3) I delete "Video Production -" and I send all member in this group new group.

    very simple but if I haved

    Copy group rules form base to Video Production in one click it's more easy. When you have 550 groups

    Copy Permission form Mask Video 2008 to Mask Video 2009 (After I have change few value or disable permission for adapt that...)

  4. Yes exactly and if it's possible have default friends list.

    Like only member of same group can send message. Or friends list...

    Like Admin are all time included inside this system. I have many women or partner, all time have message PM : Please send me your private phone...

    This person ask me add in invisible group but when she post new topic she has problems.

  5. So I make

    I Make Mask FR and Group Francais with specifically rules. Can close topic, can send private message can view Gallery

    After I Make Mask US and Group English with Same rules.

    6 month after I change value of Group Francais and I want copy this same value in Groupe English.

  6. Hi, it's possible make difference in between Closed and Solved

    Right now Admin & Co can close Topic and you see Red Folder with cross (it's like error or not accepted)

    But I want give this authorization to my members for close topic. But it's close only and he can't reopen !

    Why ? I will want have option for give to my member possibility for have bouton Solved. with cross gray (Like archived)

    And second option move automatically this topic without alias link in other place.

    in CP Admin when you make new cat in same time you can define cat Archive place.


  7. When you go in Member Groups -> Permissions -> Mask and you edit your see all.

    It's possible see difference Cat. Like for each cat have color of label blue. My Forum are very big and it's very complex see difference. For don't make error.

    Actually it's --- News and color blue

    it's possible have --- News and color dark blue for each Category

  8. Hello, I have few request in update.

    CP Admin -> Members -> Members Groups

    can you add Manage User Copy

    Choice for :
    (Forum duplicate) without topic inside.

    Original -> Copy

    My forums have 3 languages and I have 4 goupes same and 4 permission similar.

    soemtimes I change value and I want all other groups have sames status.

  9. Hi In my forum I have few VIP member and can you add option only friend list can send Private Message (MP) message all other receive message. Sorry this member don't accept no friendly user. And send copy to admin of message.

    member VIP have option for can see message or not see all message are not form friendly user.


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