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Posts posted by Steve13

  1. Ive reached out to my hosting company and they will not increase my php memory limit....i have reached out to multiple housing companies (not sure if I can name them on here) and they can guarantee only 32MB or less. Any body find a hosting that is not expensive and supports the minimum requirements? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Or pm me.

    thank you.

  2. Having all sort of issues with trying to upgrade to the latest version of ipb. My hosting only allows 20MB of php memory and the installer stayed i needed at least 128MB. I called my hosting company and they said they would not increase it because im on a shared server. Does anybody have an y ideas..or know if I can change anything myself. Im not to skilled in php so I'm just trying to understand this all. If im at 20MB and the installation went through would that cause any problems?

    Thank you in advance

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