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  1. @Matt the same error happens to me :/
  2.    T. Batuhan BULGURLULAR reacted to a release: 5.0.0 Beta 13
  3. You haven't added the Sidebar to the Pages Section 😕 I'm going to cry.
  4. Thank you, but I don't want it to be wider. My goal is to add databases for the different topics I’ve created as widgets in an area on the left side. I think page designs would look much better this
  5. Hello Matt, Dividing it into two blocks is limiting the space. Instead, I think it would be much better if we could add a similar section on the left side as on the right. Do you already have plans for something like this, or should I contact a developer? If there were widget areas on both the right and left sides, as shown in the photo I attached, it would be much better.
  6. Is it possible to add a second sidebar in the Pages section? My project is focused on construction, geophysics, geology, geotechnics, and metro tunnel projects. It will also function as a news agency. I want to design my homepage similar to a news page, but I am unable to add a second sidebar. Could this feature be considered for a future update?
  7. Hello, I just updated to Beta 2 automatically from the admin panel. After the update, all the widgets on my homepage, which I had created using the page builder, disappeared. The only widget that remained was the forum topics and posts widget. I didn’t mind since I could recreate them, but when I tried to do so, I encountered the following error. Even though I select grid, featured, or wallpaper options, no changes occur.Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong? I wanted to check before opening a topic in the Bug section. I would appreciate it if the developers could take a look at it.
  8. I have a new question, In the new page I created, there is no space on the side for me to create a widget like in the image. Is there a way for me to place a widget on the side?
  9. Hello, I just saw it, it's been resolved, thank you :))
  10. Hello Ester, could you kindly explain step by step how I can create a new blank page in the admin panel? Or could you post a picture of the section where you created it in the admin panel? I couldn’t find it despite searching.
  11. Hello, I want to create an independent page in the Pages section, but I think I didn’t configure the settings correctly. I’d like to create a MAIN PAGE where I can organize all the content, blog posts, and content from the database pages like a news site. However, I couldn’t manage it. In the photo, there is a page I created called Gündem, and I set this as the default homepage. I enter the page editing mode and place the feed widget of the pages I created on the side to organize the content, but I cannot delete the sections that belong to the page above. (Marked in the photo) Is it possible for me to design a completely independent page where I can place only the widgets I want?
  12. Hello Marc, I have a question. Is upgrading to version 5 free? I currently have a 4.7.18 license, which I purchased 2 months ago. Can I upgrade for free? By the way, I am planning to purchase my second license. If the upgrade isn't free, I would like to buy the version 5 license.