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  1. Hello to everyone !! We face a issue after update of invision community . We thought that was something small but it happen seldom and with many different members . When try to log in show that are banned ( are not ) and then they try after a while and log in normally . Is a invision bug , is something else , is something that we can do ? Please check and inform us about Many thanks
  2. ok will do but what about the database that doesnt show this apps (see my previous image ) Also folders and database exist ( i dont have check one by one ) but it is sure that if we replace existing files the problem will be solved ?
  3. following my previous post that i did few minute ago and help our conversation . File database exist as are been download with the new license but database table for application are not showed as is from previous license . When we bought new license told us that should be showed ...
  4. This is the matter that are not been showed there alhough files and database exist and the license include them . Maybe has to do that the previous owner had a limited package without them and then we buy the fill one and we installed it without recognise them .
  5. Many thanks for reply and answer .
  6. many thanks for reply but are already installed as showed in database and files . What you mean with install ? to manually put the files and create the table ? or there is this application separate and can be installed though manual upload though system-> site feature -> applications in cp ?
  7. Hello Is there any way to increase the number of questions in a poll ? Now the standard is 3 . Is there any setting or can be change though db ? Please let us know . Thanks
  8. Hello to all . Still not manage to add the already payed applications ( blogs , gallery and others ) . We have upgrade to latest version of invision everything ok and still nothing . We see the files and database tables of missing applications but we also notice that are not written in the table core_applications Please check image . To revise exist files and tables , not showed in cp and in live forum and in core_applications missing . What should do ?
  9. I started the installation of a second folder of test site using the license key with TESTINTALL in the end . All went find till the database that i received the following message alhough all the input were right Access denied for user 'xxxx'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
  10. Ι mean after all go well with test site if i could do the same for live site . That mean i could use license key for new folder installation . Many thanks
  11. and if i would like to do the same for the live ? create a separate folder and rename it as existance .
  12. I wont do anything to live site but to test first . Now in test site i created a second folder with invision files but when i changed the folder name show that need to make installation first again .... and ask also for a license key that is already be used with the other folder in first place installation . Can use test key for second time for the same domain but for a test folder ? I am testing if can create a second folder and just change the name ( rename existing to something else and new with the existing name ) in order to minimize the risk . Many thanks
  13. I can do this though ftp to replace all files but the question is if there is any risk in that process ?
  14. Many thanks @Gary Ok understand . Is enough to upload the missing applications folders or need to upload whole package ?
  15. seem all files are in but doesnt been shown in site .
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