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Jyoti Rani

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Everything posted by Jyoti Rani

  1. getting the attached error. when i am adding below code in the block code require_once("xx/xx/xx/front_constants.php");
  2. In version 3.6 Under Pages, i can create new pages using html tag and php tags. In version 4.7 When i am trying to add content for a page in PHP tag (<?php ). It starts throeing error ParseError: syntax error, unexpected string content "", expecting "-" or identifier or variable or number in system/Theme/Theme.php(4628) : eval()'d code:17 Stack trace: applications/cms/sources/Pages/Page.php(1278): IPS\_Theme::runProcessFunction('\tfunction conte...', 'content_pages_9') #1/applications/cms/sources/Pages/Page.php(2308): IPS\cms\Pages\_Page->getHtmlContent() #2 /applications/cms/modules/front/pages/page.php(116): IPS\cms\Pages\_Page->output() #3 /applications/cms/modules/front/pages/page.php(43): IPS\cms\modules\front\pages\_page->view() #4/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(118): IPS\cms\modules\front\pages\_page->manage() #5/applications/cms/modules/front/pages/page.php(33): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #6/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\cms\modules\front\pages\_page->execute() #7 /index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #8 {main} in Theme.php line of code are if( eval( $function ) === FALSE ) { /* Throw exception for PHP 5 */ throw new \InvalidArgumentException; }
  3. I have web app in version 3.x there were some manual hooks created in the web app. But in Manual upgrade those are not available. How to implement those hooks again in version4.7 community? Please share are link to implement custom hooks in version 4.7
  4. In my previous(3.x) version of invision community setup. There are some pages in the menu, which have custom URL. I am not able to find which pages(php or html) it is pointing too. Can someone help ?
  5. not its not deleted. I got the fresh copy of invisioncomunity from my client and uploaded missed folder i.e. convert to the location/path which is specified by the upgrade process.
  6. I uploaded new folder, above files are present but its not reading them. I also tried with different combination of permissions but no luck. Please suggest something. I also delete the specific folder and reuploaded that too.
  7. I uploaded new folder, above files are present but its not reading them. I also tried with different combination of permissions but no luck. Please suggest something. I also delete the specific folder and reuploaded that too.
  8. Hi, I copied new invision community folder on server. But when i ran the url from the browser, it keeps me redirecting to the same page. and in the end it show below screen. I m using url like this abc.site.com/admin/install/
  9. I am in between of manual upgrade process as per the document. Its asking for convert folder under Application folder. But its not available. How to get this folder.? Its not available neither in previous invision application folder not in the latest invision folder. Please see attached.
  10. Thanks for your reply. Marc. I understand your point, I gone through the document and done the steps locally as suggested there. Thanks Richard. Your guidance helped a lot.
  11. Thanks for your replies Richard. Can you please guide me through the manual upgrade process? Does invision provide any tool for this? Any help regarding previous table structure and the new table structure understanding document will be of great help to me.
  12. I m able to run my beta version now. But the issue is its version3.4 and i have to upgrade to 4.7.12 and i can see the option to upgrade on this version. Can u please guide?
  13. Richard, Thanks for the inputs. I rechecked php version on the server. Its php 5.6.40. sub domain url. I also cross checked it. You may also need to disable those hooks for the v4 upgrade to work. You could temporary disable them in your live site and take another copy to practice with. - Will try with it again as you advised. Another query here is - If i change the existing license key in the system will it affect the system?
  14. Did you get your v3.x working on the subdomain using php 5? - No. This is the main concern. If it had worked for me, then i can apply the upgrade process. Do you have any 3rd party applications / themes installed? As the chances are they may not be compatible with v4 or php 8, these will all need to be disabled before the upgrade. - No, we have 2 hooks which are created manually only.
  15. Thanks for your reply Richard. But its not working in any of the manner. On Server using subdomain, i have done the things as suggested by you. But on server its not working either. Latest version replacement on local with new version files is not going well. Because the folder structure has been changed in version 4.x. Is there any other way to do so? Please suggest.
  16. Yes, you are assuming right. I m trying to get the v3.x first. Because if i run the file admin/upgrade/index.php which is in v3.x can not be run in php version 8. Can you suggest me any other way to do the upgrade on the server. I am doing this in correct way? I can run upgrade on live server. But the issue with me is this, i am not able to setup the live site on my local system. Due to which if i ran the upgrade on live server all the data and their existing relation of v3.x cant be recovered back. Any document or any other help would be appreciated a lot from you guys.
  17. Hello, I m trying to upgrade from 3.x to 4.x latest version. But before doing same i want to do this on subdomain.site.com. I setup all the files, database on subdomain, but home page is not showing anything. Can some suggest any solution for this? Am i on right path?
  18. I m not saying that you guys have not provided support for this. But I am facing issue in upgrading my current site. I have older version of the site. Some file are encrypted. I don't have their original script. So, i cant set it up on my local machine. So, i was thinking that, if i can setup older version on my local and get the things done. The Only solution left with me is to bring live site down. and Need to upgrade on live. Which is not the correct way. As you guys are not supporting the older versions now. There is possibility that i loose up ending my live site down. And i loose my clients. Can you suggest me some ways or scenarios to do so? Can invision provide same license to be run on dev enviornment? They should provide the older version for exceptional cases. As and my client is facing rite now. Not sure how to do this? Any suggestions will be of great help to me.
  19. I have old version 3.4.2 on the website. I need to upgrade it to latest version. Can I get the older version of the Invision community to do research. As i am unable to unencrypt the existing encrypted files.
  20. Actually I am not understanding how to upgrade the invision community which is integrated in another project. separately I had installed the latest invision community project but I want to upgrade where it has been integrated
  21. I follow this steps, then few fatal errors get occurred which I am not able to solve. Please have a look in a screenshot where it shows an error where we can't do anything.
  22. How can I upgrade the Invision Community version from 3.4.6 to 4.7.12 in another PHP project?
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