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  1. I managed to figure out what was going on! Thank you all for your help!
  2. No, I dont have a group promotion rule set
  3. it wouldn't be perscom as you dont register with it. you need an account on IPB before you even have access to it. is there a way to disable secondary groups as i dont use the groups feature anyway?
  4. The only mod im running is perscom, the rest is just the suit
  5. Hello! I was searching your support forum and i couldn't find the topic so i figured i would create it. Is there a way to disable secondary groups? I've noticed that new registrations are getting the secondary group "Administrators" and i'd like to just disable it as i dont need people seeing the admin notifications and or possibly pose a security risk to my website
  6. My apologies, i should point out that the picture is a view of the ACP. The main website is fine, we just have no way to use the admin panel to attempt to fix.
  7. I dont know what happened as i didn't any upgrades or change anything. my website threw an error on the ACP and after attempting to activate recovery mode im getting this error on the ACP. SELECT cache_value FROM `core_cache` WHERE cache_key='marketplace_categorytree' AND cache_expire>1665348402 IPS\Db\Exception: Table 'ic4.core_cache' doesn't exist (1146) #0 /home/bjxz8l9wu02u/public_html/system/Db/Select.php(388): IPS\_Db->preparedQuery('/*ic4::icadmin2...', Array, true) #1 /home/bjxz8l9wu02u/public_html/system/Db/Select.php(446): IPS\Db\_Select->runQuery() #2 /home/bjxz8l9wu02u/public_html/system/Db/Select.php(370): IPS\Db\_Select->rewind() #3 /home/bjxz8l9wu02u/public_html/system/Data/Cache/None.php(119): IPS\Db\_Select->first() #4 /home/bjxz8l9wu02u/public_html/applications/core/modules/admin/marketplace/marketplace.php(52): IPS\Data\Cache\_None->getWithExpire('marketplace_cat...', true) #5 /home/bjxz8l9wu02u/public_html/applications/core/Application.php(84): IPS\core\modules\admin\marketplace\_marketplace->hierarchicalCategoryTree() #6 /home/bjxz8l9wu02u/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Admin.php(352): IPS\core\_Application->acpMenu() #7 /home/bjxz8l9wu02u/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Admin.php(68): IPS\Dispatcher\_Admin->buildMenu() #8 /home/bjxz8l9wu02u/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(110): IPS\Dispatcher\_Admin->init() #9 /home/bjxz8l9wu02u/public_html/admin/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher::i() #10 {main}
  8. well the thing is, my package didnt come with forums and the original creator of the website his package had forums. he made a back up of the website and sent me the files so we wouldnt lose the data
  9. so i was using the upgrader and im getting these errors during the upgrade process and im kind of stumped. i checked the permissions for those files and they are set to 664
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