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Tyson Hansen

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Posts posted by Tyson Hansen

  1. Hello people of the invision community!

    Does anybody know if there's a possible way to export then import groups into another website? I've got groups on one website of mine, and we're moving to another domain, but I don't want to transfer the website. I want to save my groups and reset the rest of the site. Is this possible?


    Thanks Peeps!

  2. 1 minute ago, Randy Calvert said:

    You would have needed to know already without looking through source code.  If you have not updated in a while, it’s very possible you’re on an older version that does not support PHP8. 

    Let’s try a manual upgrade…

    - Delete that constants.php file if you have not already.

    - Login to the client area on this site and download a copy of the latest version of the software (4.7.7).

    - Upload the files to your website. 

    - Visit domain.com/admin/upgrade 

    That should upgrade you to the latest version. 

    Just did that then, Still coming up as service unavailable. I'm honestly unsure whats wrong....

  3. 2 minutes ago, Randy Calvert said:

    Create one with the only code in it being what is shown:


    Once it’s uploaded, open a new browser and login to ACP.  You’ll see a message about things being disabled.

    Once done, you’ll hopefully be in ACP with a message saying turn recovery mode off.  Simply delete that file to do that.  Then you’ll just need to figure out which third party resource is breaking your site by turning them on one by one till the site breaks again.

    Rinse and repeat.  🙂 


    Just made the file and added that into it, the site is still giving a 503 error. Nothing changed.....



  4. 5 minutes ago, Randy Calvert said:

    It means you are either running an older version of IPB or you are running a 3rd party resource that is not compatible with PHP8. 

    What version of IPB are you on?  If it’s one of the 4.7 releases, try running recovery mode. It will disable all third party modules so you can get back online. (Once you run it, you’ll need to remove the code to turn it on.)



    I don't have a 'constants' file of any sort.....

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