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Posts posted by MCIgames

  1. 51 minutes ago, stu_m said:

    I managed to find your site 

    I noticed that anyone can download files I would change that to logged in users only and allow people to create an account and maybe get a forum going to create a bit of discussion 

    I downloaded a file and all was OK is it the larger size files that are causing the issues? 

    Yes, sorry for not posting my site earlier.

    The guest download was just an experiment, i'll be switching back to accounts only, crashing occured even when gust download was not possible

    Depends, sometime site crashes after one file other times after 3,4,5 files.

    I was thinking if there is an option in cpanel to limit usage to the I/O usage so it does not go over, i don't have an issue with my site loading slower i have an issue with it crashing, it's not a very good user experience.

    Or some settings in Invision community's Admin CP so i can take the load off the site ( read / write less ).

  2. 25 minutes ago, stu_m said:

    well I/O usage is all to do with disk usage 

    What files are you uploading and downloading? is the site and active one? 

    Mostly zip files from 500 kb to 32 mb max and images 1 mb max, it's not that active maybe 100 users a day, only i upload files.

  3. Greetings to all, i've had an issue last time where my site would crash after uploading / downloading an item from my site, after contacting GoDaddy support i found out what the issue is, but beeing a complete beginner i have not idea where to start, maybe someone here can help me out, buying a new VPS or upgrading the one that i currently own is not an option unfortunately.

    I'm using a shared host ( i know it's not a good idea but worked great on wordpress ) and found out after i've spoken to Godaddy support that my server's "I/O Usage" Maxxess out that is why my site would crash after uploading / downloading files.

    My question is how can i optimize Invision community to use less "I/O Usage", what settings can i make in Admin CP to achieve better results, also if someone here knows some cpanel setting that would be awesome.

    Thank you and have a great day. 🙂

  4. 1 minute ago, Jim M said:

    Unfortunately, all these errors indicate that there is an issue on the server. I would recommend reaching out to your hosting provider or server administrator for assistance in resolving these. There should be an error log entry from these events which will help your provider/administrator further investigate the issue.

    As this is a server issue, I will move this to our community support forum for further assistance as hosting issues are outside our scope of support, I'm afraid.

    Thank you very much for your quick response, i wanted to ask here first before contacting my hosting provider to make sure everything is ok on this side.

  5. Greetins to all, i've just started using invision community and i'm loving it so far but i have some issues and i don't know where to start so i thought maybe someone here can help me out, i'm a complete noob and learning as i go through.

    So bought Invision community and the Downloads plugin and created a download site for my 3D models, after installation everything worked well and the suddenly i started having issues after uploading a few files 500 kb to 32 mb max per item website crashes and i get multiple errors:

    - Website took too long to respond. err_connection_timed_out

    - The webpage at might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address. err_failed

    - Some times i get an internal server error -200 and then the website crashes

    Server detalils:

    - Hosting provider: Godaddy Economy Hosting chepest one, i know 😞

    - Server: linux

    PHP settings:

    memory_limit : 368M

    - post_max_size : 128m

    - upload_max_filesize : 64m

    max_execution_time : 500

    Settings that i've done after website installation: 

    - Removed Cloudflare and restored my domain to my default DNS.

    - Bought new SSL from namecheap and installed it without issues.

    - Added .htacces for frendly URL's (the one from invision admin panel)

    After making all of these settings my website started to crash every time when i try to upload someting, when the website was first installed never had these issues.

    Could this be some miss configuration from my part ?, has anyone else face such issues ?

    EDIT: Forgot to mention, if i do not try to upload anything website does not crash.

    Could contain: File, Electronics, Text, Desktop, Computer, Word

    Could contain: Word, File, Text

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