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Kyle Bass

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Posts posted by Kyle Bass

  1. We are having this exact same issue, but I don't see that this was specifically resolved. 

    Could contain: Text

    I've double checked the webhook on Stripe and it is fully functioning with  "source.chargeable, charge.succeeded, charge.failed, charge.dispute.created and charge.dispute.closed" all selected and enabled. We created a new webhook with all available events selected just to be sure, with the same results. 

    Could contain: Page, Text, File

    We are using the provided endpoint URL:


    Any help would be appreciated. 


  2. 8 minutes ago, Randy Calvert said:

    Google Analytics is what is known as "object based analytics".  It only is downloaded/triggered when something downloads the GA javascript.  Bots (such as Googlebot itself), automated processes, etc don't download/trigger this and are never counted in it's analytics.  IPB is counting how many raw pages it delivered.  It's the "real" number of actual pages delivered.  

    There is no chance our forum has 750,000 page views a day. Literally, the most people ever online including guests is 90. Even if we take bots into consideration we only have a couple of hundred pages total on the forum and are using the invision community-supplied crawl management settings. 

    Clearly, there is something wrong with the tracking or the invision supplied crawl management settings. There has to be a way to audit this supposed traffic. 




  3. Just now, Marc Stridgen said:

    I have split your item into another topic. 


    The reason this is not working, is because there is no image at that location. If you visit that manually, you get that error from giphy


    I don't think I am following you.



    I posted a giphy link here. It works.


    When I post it in our forum:

    Could contain: Text, Page, Pc, Electronics, Computer, Blackboard

    Same error. 

    If I follow the link:



    There is an image at that location. 

  4. On a secondary note, we have a very small forum with a couple hundred users per day and google analytics puts our peak page views in a single day at 1.2k. 

    Thus 750k page views a day makes no sense at all. Do you have robots.txt enabled on our account? There is no way we are even seeing a fraction of that. For instance, right now we have a grand total of 76 members and 9 guests online. 



    Could contain: Plot, Chart, Text

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