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  1. adik's post in Thumbnails problem after moving to S3 was marked as the answer   
    @Marc Stridgen the devil tempted me to try to do it manually 😈
    UPDATE core_members SET signature=REPLACE(signature, '/uploads/monthly_','/monthly_'); UPDATE core_message_posts SET msg_post=REPLACE(msg_post, '/uploads/monthly_','/monthly_'); UPDATE forums_archive_posts SET archive_content=REPLACE(archive_content, '/uploads/monthly_','/monthly_'); UPDATE forums_posts SET post=REPLACE(post, '/uploads/monthly_','/monthly_'); UPDATE core_member_status_replies SET reply_content=REPLACE(reply_content, '/uploads/monthly_','/monthly_'); It came out fine. I marked for myself about 100 places where there was this problem, and everywhere is in good
    Thanks to everyone for your help. The topic can be closed
  2. adik's post in PII Update Patch Appears to have Broken My Suite Themes was marked as the answer   
    @Dreadknux in the template named includeJS add
    essential_cookies: {expression="json_encode( \IPS\Request::getEssentialCookies())" raw="true"}, {{if member.member_id}} onlyEssentialCookies: {{if \IPS\Request::i()->cookieConsentEnabled() AND !\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->optionalCookiesAllowed AND \IPS\Dispatcher::i()->controllerLocation !== 'admin'}}true{{else}}false{{endif}}, {{endif}} and save

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