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Posts posted by ForumDefender

  1. 6 hours ago, Adriano Faria said:

    Make sure you’ve selected properly the groups. Disable any other plugin that changes profile fields behavior, if you have one, to discard any kind of conflict. I have a couple of boards based in profile information that are using this in and didn’t report any error; they always do.

    Anyway, I’m in the middle of a moving house and won’t be able to take a look at this at least until tomorrow. 

    This plugin only takes carr of permissions (who can use/view the field). It doesn’t care which field type it is or what the user selects on it. Disable the plugin and test the same without it. I don’t think it’s related. 

    Found the issue and it seems that the permissions doesn't work correctly on older versions of 4.4.x. Once upgraded to 4.4.9 everything worked. As for the 0 bug you're right that's something on our end as well, we have no idea what as its not being put there by a plugin but must be a theme thing or something. Thank you and sorry to bother, good luck in your house move!

  2. This plugin doesn't seem to do what it says it does at least from hours of back and forth testing. Currently on 4.4.x.


    Field Name: What is the weather like by you?
    Field Type: Select box.
    Options: Cool, Warm, Hot
    Member can edit value? Yes.
    Allowed Groups: Group A

    Now based on that and the wording: "Only users from selected groups will be able to fill this field ". That says in our mind that only Group A will be able to make a selection in their profile. However anyone from Group B, Group C, New Users, etc etc can go into their profile and make a selection. These other groups have no permissions at all and are not Admins/Mods. This seems to defeat the purpose of what was said above with only users from selected groups will be able to fill this field. Ideas on what's wrong here?


    Bug Found: Additionally if a person in this case selects Cool in the drop down. Then decides they don't want to select anything a bit later now get a 0 instead of it just disappearing from their profile.

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