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  1. Ignore that, I got my accounts mixed up due to IC's primary site and support forums having different logins. And of course I cannot go back and edit my post. Sigh. 🙂
  2. Rather that deal with the headache of self-hosting, I'd like to leave my hosting provider and move to IC's cloud offering. Seems like a great way to focus on managing my community and getting out of doing my own tech support. I have a trial running in the could already, looks great. How can I migrate my forums from https://dualsport-sd.com/forums to https://o323754.invisionservice.com/? I am familiar with SSH, SCP, command line, Linux/Unix, Apache, file system permissions & ownership, editing files without a GUI, etc. - basically I can do system administration. I do tech work for SDARPREZ & the San Diego Adventure Riders community. Replying so I can follow the conversation via my own email.
  3. This is one of those situations where what I am asking for is simple, but explaining it is hard. short version: I need to reset/delete the TESTINSTALL URL/link/whatever you call it so I can install a test instance. I've already asked for that, and I am still asking for that. longer version: My first virtual server, let's call it host A, runs Debian, has a public IP starting with 66. and has the hostname localhost. IC has been installed there forever and runs fine though it is very out of date. I can't upgrade it without upgrading Python. I've tried once and blew up the server which necessitated restoring from a backup. Not wanting to go down that path again, I built a new virtual server, host B, this time with Ubuntu, a public IP starting with 45., and also has the hostname localhost. I installed a fresh webserver, mySQL instance, created a DB and a user, granted rights, and extracted a new copy of the latest IC in the directory /var/www/html/ips-ce/. The install crashed after accepting the -TESTINSTALL serial. I assume it was building/populating the DB when it crashed. I didn't find anything useful in the syslog, the mySQL log, or the Apache log. So, wanting to try again, I below away the DB, DB user, and deleted /var/www/html/ips-ce. When I tried to install again, I am greeted with two error: So, I cannot install a 2nd copy of IC on host B. I'd like to, so that I can test migrating from my old IC community to a new one on a new OS.
  4. I am installing to the same server (hostname localhost), same IP (public IP), same webserver (apache2), same SQL location (localhost). The differences are a different SQL login, different filesystem path (var/www/html/ is the same, different subdirectory). Seems I've changed just enough to make the installer think it isn't the same server. Please advise.
  5. Testing out the latest version of IC using the -TESTINSTALL license. My first try to install the software failed and I wanted to try again by first blowing away the database and file system. On the second go around, I am getting this error: A test installation has already been activated for this license key. Your license key entitles you to one test installation only.
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