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Robert Parten

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Posts posted by Robert Parten

  1. First, I applaud the incredibly fast response, I must say I am very appreciative of your response time on this, I know it is community driven, but you've exceeded expectation.

    My screen is different, I was literally looking for the exact same layout but couldn't find it, I did locate it this way, attached screenshot. Sorry for my ignorance and not investigating the layout of my platform a little better, but your screen shot gave me the hint I needed to find it. Once again, many thanks and forgive me, I am new to this forum software.


  2. Forgive my stupidity, but I installed it via uploading the tarball; however, the "Linked Accounts" feature isn't available to the users. It shows as an Application which is installed, but no luck. I am running the latest version of the forum software.


    Any help is appreciated and thanks in advance.

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