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Ahmed rahman

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    Ahmed rahman reacted to Matt for a blog entry, Team Talk: What would you do with $1,000,000?   
    This month, we ask the team the age-old question: If you won a million dollars (or denomination of your choice), how would you spend it?
    The question was almost guaranteed to bring a raft of hilarious replies that showcase our amazing humour and wit.

    Once again, we fall short and instead worry about taxation and retirement.

    You can't give it away these days.
    Marc S
    I couldn't decide on whether to answer this with what I would 'like' to do with it, or what I would actually do with it, so figured I would answer both. [So you just upgraded to $2,000,000? geez - Editor]
    If it was just what I would like to do with it, then I would probably follow the F1 season around the globe for a few years until I got bored. I'm very much into the sport, and with the locations, it would make for some great destinations to visit in between the races.
    What I would actually do is pay off my mortgage, buy another 3 reasonably priced houses to rent out to others, and live off the investment. Given I would then have a constant income without doing much, I would then try my hand at starting a business. Not entirely sure what that business would be to be honest [How to understand people with strong accents? - Editor], but I'm not the kind of person who would be able to just retire, without it driving me to insanity.

    I know nothing of F1, so hopefully this is OK

    Pay off all of my debts. Buy a house. Put away some in a nice savings account both for me and my kiddos. Buy a serious amount of shoes, and get a few cosmetic tweaks.

    Who doesn't love shoes?

    If I had a million dollars, I'd pay off debts, stash some money away for savings and to have a healthy cushion [You give your soft furnishings a health check? - Editor], and I'd probably use a good chunk of it for travel. There are a lot of places I'd like to see in the world still and travelling is expensive.

    I’d like to visit some of the top touristy spots in South America, like Rio, Galapagos islands, Peru, Machu Picchu, etc. I’d like to see Australia, Japan, China, Alaska, the northern lights in the Arctic, and I would like to make it back to Europe at some point, particularly to see more of Italy and visit Greece.

    It's where we first met.

    I’ll go with my sailing boat dream which is still is a thing for my retirement, but if I would get tomorrow $1,000,000 I would do it right now too. [How? You're not getting the money until tomorrow - Editor]
    Get a Katamaran and sail sail sail... depending on time and budget and people.. mediterran sea, caribbean sea, then around South America, US west costs , Hawaii, Philippines , India. Around Africa .. back to Mediterran Sea.

    If I had $1,000,000 tomorrow, I'd probably be fairly sensible [Boring- Editor] by paying off the mortgage and spending some cash on finishing renovating the house. Then I'd buy either a Mustang GT or a Tesla Model 3 Performance (I know, one is an eco-machine and one is a gas guzzler!). The remainder I'd split between savings and stock market investment.

    Mark H
    A million dollars….. well, the government takes about 1/3 of that first off, so after taxes you get ~ $650,000. With that I’d pay off the house and credit card, buy a reliable vehicle, then the rest goes in the bank. Would not have enough to retire, even at my age. [It wouldn't last 2 years? - Editor] But it would eventually make retirement easier.

    The fun answer.
    I would pay off my mortgage, buy a 2019 Corvette ZR1 (plus pay off following speeding tickets) and probably go to Australia. Then save the rest for a rainy day or you know, retirement.

    Mark W
    I live in Sydney, so probably buy a small apartment and carry on as normal. [How small is your current apartment? - Editor]

    Good day.
    I'm not a huge fan of travelling, but I'd like to see a little bit more of the USA. I've been to Los Angeles, Nevada, Las Vegas, New York and Virginia but I'd like to see more of the middle bit too. Definitely Miami and New Orleans. [Dude, you need to check a map to see which states are in the middle - Editor]

    I love my work too much to think about retiring but I'd put some away for when I do.

    I might give some to my family if they ask nicely and are reading this (hopefully they are not).

    Yes I can.

    Andy (Andy did not contribute this month, so this reply is 100% fictional)
    I'd be too depressed with the massive income drop to think about how to eek out such a pittance.

    Lindy (Lindy never contributes, despite being threatened with a fabricated answer)
    I'd probably invest in a gas-tech company, buy more cars I'll only drive 3 days a year and spend the rest in Vegas.

    Charles (Charles also never contributes, so this is also fabricated)
    Please do not say funny things about me.
    Charles also has edit permissions to this blog.

    So there you have it, that's how we'd choose to spend a cool $1,000,000.

    We'd love to hear how you'd spend your imaginary windfall.
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