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Posts posted by Parilar

  1. On 1/20/2023 at 7:18 PM, Jim M said:

    Believe there is some confusion. We are asking you to update your access details to your community in our Client Area so we can review what is happening here: https://invisioncommunity.com/clientarea

    No there isnt. I cant update the details because i only got one ftp for several websites with client data.

    Please tell me which file need to be checked. Alls files of the website has 0755 permission.

    I also can visit a Profile and it shows the Profile, but after some seconds the same error appears

    Also would be nice if we find a solution soon, because they spammed scam links and we cant deleted them. As the error accours after the spam attack it looks like a security issue of the system

  2. 3 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. 

    We look forward to further assisting you. 


    I didn't changed the permission of any files. All files/folder inside admin has 0755 permission. Which file should i take care of ?

    I also cant visit any profiles

  3. Hello,

    i try to make a request to the ipboard API.

    The admin panel displays a message that my server doesnt support authentication header (idk why)

    Whats the parameter name to send the authentication token ? (api key)

    When i use "X-Authorization" i get the response "wrong api key" but its 100% correct (tired base64 encoded and plain)

  4. Hello,

    i want a Pages Page as default Page (With a redirect for logged in users).

    When it set the default application to Pages my page is displayed but then i cant open the forum overview.

    Whats the url syntax to access the forums application if pages is the dafault application?


    Or is there a function to set a Page for the first page visit ?

  5. Error: Class 'IPS\Helpers\Wizard' not found (0)
    #0 /var/www/SERVERPATH/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(85): IPS\brilliantdiscord\modules\admin\general\_configuration->advancedSetup()
    #1 /var/www/SERVERPATH/applications/brilliantdiscord/modules/admin/general/configuration.php(45): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
    #2 /var/www/SERVERPATH/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(152): IPS\brilliantdiscord\modules\admin\general\_configuration->execute()
    #3 /var/www/SERVERPATH/admin/index.php(14): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
    #4 {main}

    When i try to configure the application

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