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Posts posted by Arahnid

  1. Hello! If selected "Instead of member name" in "Link position", then everything works well in the full version of the forum, but in the mobile version, when you click on a nickname, you go to the person's profile, and do not mention him ...

    IPS Default theme

  2. Moreover, besides the possibility of inserting a nickname into the response form by clicking the mouse (for example, the @ sign next to the name), it would be very convenient to be able to quote messages from the chat window (a window for quoting would appear when selecting a fragment) ...

  3. 7 minutes ago, TheJackal84 said:

    a new line?

    In the admin panel settings add the ability to select the form of sending messages. Either with or without a visual editor, with the send button immediately after the message input window or the enter button.

    Or maybe there is some technical way to send a message from the current form of sending messages, but by pressing Enter, not on Ctrl + Enter. Java, Ajax?

  4. 4 hours ago, TheJackal84 said:

    If you hold CTRL and press enter it will post the messages

    Some visitors of our community do not know how to press such a complex key combination 🙂 Therefore, it is better to give them a choice - ctrl + enter or just enter...

  5. I would like to be able to customize the appearance of the chat in future versions.

    Or to register in the unique CSS code for chat to them could be adjusted via custom.css

    For Example, I cannot change the look of msgRows and msgRowsCompact chat without affecting the CSS properties for the entire forum, because global html is used .ipsApp .ipsBox:not(.ipsWidget) .ipsBox, html .ipsApp .ipsTabs_panels .ipsBox, html .ipsApp .ipsDialog > div .ipsBox ---and - -.ipsBox, .ipsPageHeader, .focus-topic-compact .focus-topic, .ipsPager, .ipsWidget, .ipsBox_alt, #comments

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