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  1. janetald60 started following Gill
  2.    Gill reacted to a blog entry: Invision Community 5: Tagging Reinvented
  3. Gill started following Invision Community
  4. Gill started following Release Notes
  5. Hi IPB Team & Community ^_^ As images are essential part of forum topic it would be great if uploading of topic images and resizing would be more optimal Right now it is quite hassle for first time user of website. As admin or Moderator we all know how to upload image and resize but for first time user it is quite unfriendly. As user i have to first "choose files" then click on insert then i have to double click to resize it, if i just single click it do nothing as shown below. Even if user able to figure out how to resize image, putting numerical value is kinda odd procedure However if we see at other forum software they made this process very user friendly as follows Simple "insert image" button on editor that show upload option Automatic Blue resizing border around image once it is uploaded that user can use to resize the images easily if there is any way we could customize editor to make image upload and resizing as above please also let me know. We hope IPB team will take note on this and make it more optimized. Thanks Gill
  6. 100% agree, some time lightbox open images in new tab instead of showing next image. User experience much better with photoswipe
  7. Gill started following Feedback
  8. Hi Good Morning IPB Community & Team Right Now if user want to create standalone poll (Use Topic Title as Poll Title without separate Topic Title ) it create duplicate content as Follows Because poll can't be created without filling out "Poll Title" and "Question Title" Fields It would be great if user able to create polls without filling out "Poll Title" and "Question Title" Fields Then Polls could be shown as follows which will improve polls UI/UX I Hope IPB Team will includes this improvement in upcoming IPB 5 Thanks Gill
  9. Gill posted a post in a topic in Feedback
    Hi Good Morning Guys IPB Team have been doing great job in Term of IPB 5 UI/UX ^_^ We wish team also add "Topic Replies" sorting Feature too so user can go to latest reply quickly, or Button to go to "Latest Reply" like following screenshots Now it is too difficult for user to go to latest reply of topic when browsing the topic We Hope IPB Team consider that feature for upcoming IPB 5 Thanks Gill
  10. Thank @teraßyte For your reply, I wish IPB provides some of functionality out of box. Thanks again for your wonderful help ^_^ Thanks Gill
  11. @Community- Totally Agree, That would be great if that functionality provided by IPB out of box 📦
  12. Gill started following Ehren
  13. Hi IPB Team, Good Evening ^_^ I have been testing IPB for next community project, so far it works great I have few questions, I hope you guys would help me in that so i could better understand IPB 1. So in project there will be 4 types of different members i.e A, B, C, D so 4 different members groups would work for requirements. Is any way members could choose their own member group by themselves at signup step. I tried to create radio option field for registration form with options value A, B,C,D so user can select himself. But don't know how to automate user registration in particular members group depend upon his field selection at registration. 2. As mentioned above there will be four different group, is any way we could have different profile fields for different group too ?? E.g We want to use birthday field only for individuals profiles not for business profiles and lots of other profile fields only for particular member group. 3. IPB will be used as main software to access the project maindomain.com But for some secondary features there will be separate wordpress website. Is any way registered ipb members automatically sign into that wordpress website when they visit WP site ?? Signups will be only available for IPB website not on WP site. 4. Is any way to show latest reply on topic, upmost rather than end of topic pages. Looking Forward For Your Kind Reply Thanks Gill
  15. Hi Guys check out this. More Goods news coming from google for PWA FUTURE 🙂 PWA NATIVE FEATURE
  16. 58 Voted YES !!! For IPB PWA or Mobile App But still No Positive Response From IPB Team Regarding Mobile App RoadMap, What Do you Think Guys ? Will we ever Get The IPB MOBILE APP OR NOT ?
  17. HI GUYS :) @Morgin @BomAle Here My 2 cents for Apple IOS and PWA : It Disappointing ios is not supporting push notifications yet . I think in future apple will revise push notification policy again when PWA become mainstream. Bigger companies adopting the PWA apps day by day. PWA is not just another Buzz word, PWA again transferring the power back to Web Developers which was lost during native mobile app era. I think REST API based apps for IPB not right approach, From developers point of views, it will make mobile apps hard to maintain and compatible with every new version of IPB and updates of hundered of IPB plugins. However PWA just uses Mobile Responsive of Website. Forums Founders spent both Time and money to make his/her community sustainable. sometime new users like the forums but forget url and browser history deleted,at that time website looses one member ? this same things happened with me many times and may be other members share the same experience. For iOS users or Android users there is more chances, new users of clients Forum website click on App icons (Installed by PWA ) again than open browser inside the mobile, remember the website URL and hit the enter. No matter whether PWA support push notifications for particular mobile os or not :) Moreover for just one mobile OS. it is not good idea not to implement for other too. PWA fully supported in Window 10 redstone 4. We can't ignore the billions machine running window 10. Window 10 PWA app would be huge opportunity to keep the website users engage with website. Just imagine clients Forums apps are installed on users PC. Even They don't open browser and enter forum URL, with single push notification you can make users again engage to your website ? More and more adopting the window 10 @Rikki @Matt @Charles Thanks IPB team showing positive response toward IPB mobile apps, Hope You Guys will make it possible very soon :) You guys just make mobile apps i will buy without see the price Tag and i think other members also do the same :) Thanks
  18. IPB is Light Year Ahead from Its Competitors , Best Software purchase of my LIFE !!! Thanks to IPB Team for their Hard Work :)
  19. @Aiwa Majority of Community members are demanding the hybrid solution like PWA not native ones which may IPB team tried but Failed (i don't know IPB team mobile app history) PWA solution require just javascript skills not native one like java and swift which most of web developers already have :) I hope one day one of IPB developer or IPB TEAM hear all of voices and do something for us to compete against Telegram groups, discord server, Facebook Groups, Whatsapp Group and make our communities users more engage to our sities thanks :)
  20. because i am not programmer and IPB expert i am just posting for hope IPB TEAM listen and develop for all community members "THE possibilities, and money to be earned, are limitless! " for IPB Team not for YOU ( @Aiwa) and ME. !!!! If you really "code for Fun" then why not develop some mobile app for IPB and show IPB community how much fun u really have ? Thanks
  21. Hi Guys PWA for WINDOW 10. Just Think Your Forum PWA app installed Your community Memembers window 10 PC :) Possibilities are Limit less ?