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Posts posted by htmkr

  1. 4 hours ago, Dayton28 said:

    I don't know if I should post this under here or Automation Rules, but I have a question regarding using iAwards and Automation Rules together.

    I want to award users based on the total number of reacts they've received of each type. Is this possible?

    Furthermore, is it possible to give awards based on total reacts GIVEN, total reacts for a SINGLE post, etc.

    Is there a list of example rules to give awards? We're not accomplishing much with just experimenting and trial-and-error, but it would help immensely if I could see a number of examples made by other people so that I have something to start with.

    I can't find anything on how to automate the award-giving. There's a "rules expansion pack" in the download, but I don't know what to do with the XML files. Trying to install as a plugin didn't work and there doesn't appear to be any option to install the XML files anywhere. I want to give an award based on content count but there doesn't seem to be a way to do that.

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