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Posts posted by VelvetHood

  1. Hey all,

    So we've had a few abusive users get into our forum recently and it's becoming a problem, so we've decided to enable content moderation for the first 5 posts in the default member group.

    We have the following options set:

    Require approval before content shows? Yes

    Remove content moderation after 5 approved items of posts/content.

    The system seems to be working well, items are appearing in the approval queue as they should, until today

    One member signed up and posted a basic, rude text post, so nothing unusual about it, but it was posted immediately, reported by three members then we actioned it.

    But I can't find for the life of me why this one post got through.

    I set up a new user account, made a post and it explicitly states that it requires approval and didn't show to guests.

    Was just wondering if perhaps I'm missing something?

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