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Aaron Figueroa

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Posts posted by Aaron Figueroa

  1. On 10/14/2017 at 1:34 PM, Aaron Figueroa said:

    Hi @Fosters

    We purchased this plugin a few months ago and it's been great. Recently we discovered what seems to be a bug. Once the first page of applications filled up we were unable to go to the 2nd page. If you click "next", the number "2", or set the page to view page 2 it repeatedly brings you back to the view form screen. 
    IE; clicking any one of the buttons in the red box this image:

    will take you back to the screen shown in this image:

    This bug is replicable and happens if you click any of those buttons inside the red box, top or bottom of the page. 
    We are running IPB v. 4.2.5 on a IPB cloud account if it helps any. 
    Thank you for your time. 

    @Fosters any chance at all that you saw the above?

  2. Hi @Fosters

    We purchased this plugin a few months ago and it's been great. Recently we discovered what seems to be a bug. Once the first page of applications filled up we were unable to go to the 2nd page. If you click "next", the number "2", or set the page to view page 2 it repeatedly brings you back to the view form screen. 
    IE; clicking any one of the buttons in the red box this image:

    will take you back to the screen shown in this image:

    This bug is replicable and happens if you click any of those buttons inside the red box, top or bottom of the page. 
    We are running IPB v. 4.2.5 on a IPB cloud account if it helps any. 
    Thank you for your time. 

  3. 1 minute ago, Fosters said:

    Have they probably already applied?

    If I click the eye icon in admin cp beside the form name to view the applicants I see this:


    I am fifth. I am the only person who has applied. And even though I've applied, if I knock my account down to a recruit rank the button will appear for me on the menu bar and clicking it brings the form up just fine. 


    Do you have any idea what a 2app error is and why two of my users (and more presumably because this isn't exactly the kind of crowd that's good with notifying you of problems) would encounter it?

  4. I have installed your forms and today was notified by 2 of my users that whenever they attempt to apply to the form they receive a "2app" error. I can find absolutely nothing on google about this error. 


    I have the form setup as such:

    Guests register and become "Recruit" ranked users. Recruits then apply for membership. Once the application form (your plugin) is approved they are moved into the group "Rank 2: Private" and tagged with a secondary group "Member" so that they can see member forums. 

    I have the permissions set on this application set such that only admins can see the applications and only recruits can see the apply for membership button. 

    I would greatly appreciate if you could explain what a 2app error is and how to fix it. 

    You can see from the photos below how I have this setup. 





  5. Hi, 

    I purchased a copy of your applications forms. 

    I should note, I have a Community in the Cloud IPB package and all uploads are done through either "Applications" or "Plugins" on the Admin control panel. The former only accepts .tar files, the latter accepts only .xml files. I am unsure how to install this as I see no .tar file and a commenter on your marketplace posting suggested that this should be uploaded as an application but again I do not see a .tar file. 

    I contacted support as I was told that they would upload files for us (since community in the cloud packages are not allowed access to FTP) and I was told that I would have to contact you:



    You would then need to contact the author of the application for assistance in this case, as the instructions you provided specifically refer to a tar file to be installed there.

    Kind Regards,
    Marc Stridgen

    If you could help me install this I would be very grateful. 

    Thank you for your time. 

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