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Mesharsky | H2K

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  1. I appreciate it, just purchased the app, gonna post if i find something wrong :) Thank you.
  2. This file is not currently available for purchase. Im not blind :)
  3. If anyone have problem with curriences in top donors / profile. The problem only exist if you have 2 curriences, for example EURO AND PLN(POLISH ZŁOTY). 1 euro = 4.27 PLN If someone donates 10 EURO, in top donors weekly it says only 10 pln instead of 40.value. And to your profile is added only 10 pln as well. Here is a fix for that. Path to file applications/donate/widgets/donateTopDonors.php Find this foreach ( \IPS\Db::i()->select( array( 'member_id', 'amount' ), 'donate_users', $where ) as $donation ) { if ( !isset( $topDonors[ $donation['member_id'] ] ) ) { $topDonors[ $donation['member_id'] ] = $donation['amount']; } else { $topDonors[ $donation['member_id'] ] += $donation['amount']; } } Change it to this foreach ( \IPS\Db::i()->select( array( 'member_id', 'amount', 'rate' ), 'donate_users', $where ) as $donation ) { $donation['amount'] *= $donation['rate']; if ( !isset( $topDonors[ $donation['member_id'] ] ) ) { $topDonors[ $donation['member_id'] ] = $donation['amount']; } else { $topDonors[ $donation['member_id'] ] += $donation['amount']; } } Those changes you need to apply in profile code and everywhere. To make to work propery. I want to mention the goal update is working fine, just top donors and $ added to your profile is not working good.
  4. Funny, because the problem was caused by nginx, when i was using hybrid mode, or nginx mode it never worked, i was not sure why Hybrid = Static files will work from nginx and dynamic files works from apache When i switched to proxy mode so Proxy = Nginx works as a proxy server in front of apache. .htaccess rules works Everything work now as normall, i don't know if IPS is suitable fully for nginx, so the best way to use it is as the proxy mode.
  5. Hello, when i do test donation via ACP, it creates the topic and everything, but when someone send me donation via donate GOAL, its not working, goal is no updating and nothing happens, topic don't create at all. I get the money, but nothing is happening on the website, i use the latest version. // Got it working.
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