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Hunter Holmes

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Posts posted by Hunter Holmes

  1. @Adriano Faria

    I have tried what you have asked and the user still does not show up within the widget. 

    I should of probably mentioned that my main account on my first post was "Professor Connor Lexington". So, I was logged in with Professor Connor Lexington's account and I switched my account into Zander's account. 

  2. Hello @Adriano Faria!

    I just had a quick question when it comes to accounts that are logged in. I noticed that it shows on the "Who's Online" list, like where you can see the number of "Guest, Registered, and Anonymous" list, but when you check the "Who Was Online" list where it shows the people who were logged in for that day, it appears that it doesn't show the accounts as logged in. I was wondering what was going on with this. Because I was hoping for all members who are logging in to show up on this list. 

    If my words confused you, just take a look at this picture and it explains it all. I am logged into my Zander account, but it's not showing up on the "Who's Online" list at the bottom. I have to physically log out and log into that specific account in order to show up. 



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