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Dr. Dan Ardebili

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Posts posted by Dr. Dan Ardebili

  1. On 1/15/2015 at 5:08 PM, Dean_ said:

    Hi Cheersn

    I've done this myself and I'll explain the steps that I use but may not be correct or maybe long winded by other members but it works for me. (based on cpanel and phpmyadmin)

    1) I created a sub folder, copied all the files from my original folder and placed them in the new folder (So I have an exact copy).

    2) I then accessed my cPanel > PHPMyAdmin - went to my database name > selected 'Operations' and copied the database and gave it a new name (remember to make a new user in MySQL Databases and add it to the copied database).

    3) I then went to my FTP and edited the 'conf_global.php' to reflect the new details.

    4) Once that was working correctly and the forums loaded and tested, I then got the BETA5, downloaded and uploaded the files to my copied subfolder overwriting all the files. Once completed I ran the upgrade and followed the instructions.

    5) That should be it, rather quick and simple process and I haven't experienced any errors.

    **As above this may not be the best or correct way, but It's just how I've done my duplicates

    *** I take no responsibility for any errors that may occur

    Thanks for this. However I followed it exactly but get the following error:

    Fatal error: Call to a member function language() on null in /home/directory/SiteURL/system/Output/Output.php on line 535

    Any thoughts? 


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