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Michael Molholt

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Posts posted by Michael Molholt

  1. So, the SQL DB that my forums live on is 6.5GB right now. That's something like 2.7GB+ of forums_posts, 1.8GB+ in core_search_index and some smaller totals in other tables.

    I need some ideas on how to reduce the size of this DB, if possible, to under 3GB. Is deletion my only real option? I've tried archiving to an external DB, which has so far moved 1.2GB (this process is painfully slow), but the size of my forum DB hasn't gone down with the archive, it's stayed the same.

    Any ideas/help?

  2. 7 hours ago, Stuart Silvester said:

    Invision Community doesn't have the concept of ResourceOwnerIds. It isn't part of the OAuth 2 specification that we follow.

    Something like that would be used where many tenants/sites may be hosted on one single platform, i.e. where customers use Azure AD the ResourceOwnerId would be the tenant ID to make sure the requests are going to the correct customer account.

    Is there anything in the token that can be used to identify the individual user?

  3. I have a web application that I wish to use my Invision Community as an OAuth2 server/service provider for. I have it mostly implemented and am receiving a proper response on callback. However, the response returns an empty resourceOwnerId, which blocks me from continuing with the implementation as I cannot pull any user information. Could you tell me why the forum software is returning this value empty? I have included a sample response below:

    League\OAuth2\Client\Token\AccessToken Object ( [accessToken:protected] => 735f8af921fcc07e60eeba86e337296e_1f045d3869e6c77e3cc99236af0368d7d96e5889a8024fd6a27328761dbb8e4b [expires:protected] => 1649852825 [refreshToken:protected] => [resourceOwnerId:protected] => [values:protected] => Array ( [token_type] => bearer [scope] => profile email ) )


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