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Fatal Resort

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Posts posted by Fatal Resort

  1. 7 minutes ago, teraßyte said:

    Could you PM me an admin & FTP account for your forum so that I can take a look? I can't duplicate locally. Or if you have an account on my site submit a support ticket in the client area.

    Either way works :)

    It's not within my power to give an admin account or FTP access, I'm not the main administrator of the forum.

    I myself don't even have access to the FTP lol. Only have access to the full ACP :unsure: 

    It's fine though, but if you do happen to find a way to fix the problem and are able to provide steps on how to fix it. I could just ask him to do it.

  2. I think I might have installed an older version a while back, but I uninstalled it since it didn't seem to work (assuming because it was outdated at the time?) o-o

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