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Bastian Selonke

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Posts posted by Bastian Selonke

  1. On 16.9.2015,, Mike John said:

    Is there any corresponding logs in the payment logs page that suggest a possible reason for this? Guest support was carried over after the upgrade, so should still be working.

    No, unfortunately, there is not much in there. Anything that I can do? Most people dont want to create an account only to donate something.

  2. Hello,

    I have purchased your module yesterday and received a couple of donations. Everything works fine, except one thing: Guest donations are not listed in nor the backend and frontend. I have received a couple of complains from the donors that their donations are not visible. They worry their transactions have not gone through.

    I can see these donations in PayPals backend, the Payment Logs of your module and in my web server access logs, where the PayPal IPN pushed them back to my server. But they are not listed as a donation?

    I assume this is a bug. Donations from registered users work without problems, but guest donations are not saved anywhere. I do not like the idea to disable donations for guests.

    How can I correct this? Please advise.

    Thank you!

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