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  1. #ESY


  2. #ESY


    By any chance, do you have a custom theme? Maybe try running the app on the default theme?
  3. #ESY


    I, for one, don't experience this kind of problem, so it might be on your end.
  4. #ESY


    Works perfectly, thank you!
  5. #ESY


    What CSS file? I have to do the same thing here and I don't know how to fix it.
  6. #ESY


    Enable limited edition and still available on any award; From the main page (not from the ACP), go to Create » Award and try to award anyone that specific award; You will get the following error: Exception: Sorry to be able to award you must disable the limited edition still available option. (0) #0 /...../public_html/forum/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(96): IPS\awards\modules\front\awards\_ajaxcreate->manage() #1 /...../public_html/forum/applications/awards/modules/front/awards/ajaxcreate.php(21): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #2 /...../public_html/forum/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(129): IPS\awards\modules\front\awards\_ajaxcreate->execute() #3 /...../public_html/forum/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #4 {main} // Now that I've written this message, I figured out that you need to set the award as "not available" in order to be able to give it to anyone. The settings are inverted.
  7. #ESY


    Oh, ok. And one more thing, about the limited edition awards. I can't award anyone a limited edition award unless I disable it. Can I do anything in order to solve this? (besides disabling the "Limited Edition" option)
  8. #ESY


    What should I do then?
  9. #ESY


    What instructions should I see? When I click HQ awards, it says that HQ Awards is not installed. Do I have to install anything else, besides iAwards?
  10. I didn't know that I could've written anything after that dash and it would still forward me to the topic I was looking for. Thank you very much.
  11. Hello, I went to invisionpower board from phpbb3, and the topic links are very different. For example, this is phpbb3: http://www.sitename.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=88&t=21331 This is IPB: http://www.sitename.com/forum/index.php?/topic/21331-TOPIC_TITLE_HERE/ Can I find a certain topic by its id? I know the ID from phpbb3, but I can't just modify the link because I need the title too. Thank you.
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