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    60kell reacted to Rikki for a guide, Buttons   
    The button classes described here can be applied to any element, although typically would be applied to an element like a, input[type="submit"] or button so that the user can interact with it.
    As a minimum, a button should receive the basic ipsButton class, plus a size class and a style class (explained below).
    Button styles
    Normal button ipsButton_primary
    Primary button ipsButton_alternate
    Alternate button ipsButton_important
    Important button ipsButton_light
    Light button ipsButton_veryLight
    Very light button ipsButton_overlaid
    Overlaid button ipsButton_link
    Link button  
    Button sizes
    Medium button ipsButton_verySmall
    Very small button ipsButton_small
    Small button ipsButton_large
    Large button ipsButton_veryLarge
    Very large button ipsButton_fullWidth
    Can be combined with another size, above.
    Full width button  
    Disabled buttons
    Buttons can be visually disabled either by adding the class ipsButton_disabled, or, on relevant input elements, adding the disabled property. For example:
    <a href='#' class='ipsButton ipsButton_normal ipsButton_medium ipsButton_disabled'>Disabled button (link)</a> <input type='submit' class='ipsButton ipsButton_normal ipsButton_medium' disabled value='Disabled button (input)'> These would render like so:
    Disabled button (link)  
    Split buttons
    Split buttons allow you to create toolbars easily by specifying a list of buttons that display joined to each other.
    They are created by specifying the class ipsButton_split on a wrapper element containing two or more buttons. The wrapper element can be a <ul> tag, or any other that makes sense for your use.
    All of the buttons in a split button group should be the same size, otherwise results are unpredictable. Different styles can be used on each button, though.
    <ul class='ipsButton_split'> <li><a href='#' class='ipsButton ipsButton_small ipsButton_primary'>Button 1</a></li> <li><a href='#' class='ipsButton ipsButton_small ipsButton_light'>Button 2</a></li> <li><a href='#' class='ipsButton ipsButton_small ipsButton_light'>Button 3</a></li> </ul> Button 1 Button 2 Button 3  
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    60kell reacted to Rikki for a guide, Typography   
    The typography module offers a wide range of classes for styling text across the suite
    A number of heading styles are provided, which can be used for structuring information on the page. They are element-agnostic; you can use them on any of the <h*> tags (or even other tags) - choose the most semantic element for your particular use.
    Most useful as the main title on a page. A larger version is available by also adding the ipsType_largeTitle class.
    This is a page title
    The title of a section on the page.
    This is a section title
    A section heading.
    This is a section heading
    A small, less-important heading.
    A minor heading
    Left-aligned text
    Right-aligned text
    Centered text
    Light text
    ipsType_warning or ipsType_negative
    Warning status text
    Success status text
    Issue/intermediate status text
    Neutral status text
    Small text
    Medium text
    Normal sizing
    Large text
    Very large text
    ipsType_huge (useful for icons)
    User-generated text/content from CKEditor
    When dealing with content that is generated by users (generally coming from CKEditor), there are three classes that should be used in order to have it display correctly. Generally you will want to use all three although some situations may call for a different treatment. You may also want to apply the classes to different elements - for example, if you have repeating blocks of user content, the ipsContained class might be applied to a wrapper instead of each individual item. When dealing with user-generated content, be sure to test edge cases.
    This is the main class for user-generated content, and enables styles such as responsive images and correct margins.
    This ensures words break correctly in user-generated content
    This is a protective measure that ensures content cannot expand out of its given container.
    Truncating text
    Text can be truncated on a single line by adding two classes to an element: ipsTruncate ipsTruncate_line. In browsers that support it, this causes overflowing text to be hidden, and instead be replaced by ellipsis.
    Note: This method is designed to work on short pieces of text on a single line, such as text on a button. It does not work effectively on multi-line strings; for those cases you should use the javascript-based ips.ui.truncate widget. It also sets the element to 100% width in order to work; you will need to manually set a width if you wish to overule this behavior.
    This is a long string which won't quite fit on this button  
    Other typography styles
    Prevents text from wrapping
    Removes margin (most useful for <h*> and <p> elements)
    Remove bold styling from text
    Makes text uppercase
    When applied to either an element containing links or links themselves, causes the links to match surrounding text styles.
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