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Jim M

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Jim M

  1. A 500 Internal Server Error is like the check engine light on your car. It says something is wrong but not exactly what or where. Without the details of that log entry, I could not tell what went wrong. However, more likely than not with these auto-upgrader items is it is something in the extraction of the files. The log entry will tell you for sure where the issue is. Again, if it is an issue with the software, we will certainly assist you but if it is an issue with your server, we will need to move this to the advanced self-hosting support forum for peer to peer assistance as that is outside our scope of support.
  2. We have conversations to start per day and per minute. This would cover starting new conversations but not replying to existing conversations or those conversations sent to theme by users who can send messages.
  3. Are you able to provide me to a link of an existing post?
  4. When did you disabling messaging on your community? The messages from this user look to be from July of last year and earlier. As these messages are still in your database, the rebuild of Achievements would count these and this is how the user has this much reputation (they sent a TON of messages).
  5. You would want to replace the ACP credentials in the Admin CP Access fields. However, I see that these have been added so will use those for now.
  6. Was this posted by a previous user who was deleted?
  7. This has been removed for you now.
  8. We can cancel renewals if you would like? Otherwise, yes, I can completely remove it. Please confirm.
  9. Unfortunately, as you have removed the given issue here, it will be a little hard for us to investigate what is happening here without any indication to the stream or record which was causing issues. It is worth mentioning that in 4.6.10 there were some bug fixes to stream and a bug patch to resolve an issue. If this does come up again, if you don't mind grabbing the settings of the stream before deleting it that my be enough for us to investigate. Even better though would be to setup a test environment for us to take a look. Thanks.
  10. You would need to update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section.
  11. You will want to go to the System Log and review the log entry mentioned there. You will want to test the URL which it was encountered on and see if the error still exists. If it doesn't, this likely was resolved by upgrading the core or third party application/plugin, an issue you resolved in your custom theme, etc... If it still exists, you will want to check the aforementioned items for upgrades, if they are available, you will want to upgrade. If that doesn't resolve your problem, you will want to disable third party applications/plugins and switch to an unmodified theme. If that still doesn't resolve the problem, please let us know.
  12. What is the URL which you are embedding?
  13. Please clear your browser's cache. If you're still having issues, please switch your theme to an unmodified theme. Unfortunately, using the unmodified theme, I am not seeing any issues with the editor. It is loading without issue.
  14. I'm afraid, we would not move applications from one license to another. If you want Downloads on your other license, you would need to purchase it there too. Sorry I do not have better news for you.
  15. Just so you know, there is no need to vote per say but knowing it is affecting you is useful, thank you 🙂 .
  16. @NZyan, if there are any logs which report back to the software, please let us know. Otherwise, I can move this topic to the advanced self-hosting assistance forum for further assistance.
  17. Unfortunately, those credentials as well are not working to login. Just a helpful tip before providing these to us, please check that the credentials work. This will prevent this back/forth and we can more efficiently help you resolve your issue.
  18. You can disable complete access to the Messaging system by going to ACP -> System -> Applications -> expand "System" -> on "Messages" click permissions and uncheck groups you do not want access to this module. You can also manage Message settings from ACP -> Members -> Groups -> edit group -> Social tab -> Messages.
  19. Glad to hear you found the answer to question 🙂
  20. I would recommend posting any and all feedback in our Feature Suggestion forums.
  21. Disabling will not prevent errors in background tasks, I'm afraid. You will need to upgrade or uninstall if you are no longer using it.
  22. ACP -> Members -> edit user -> Posts -> Hide/Delete all content. ACP -> Members -> edit user -> Reputation -> Remove reputation given OR Remove reputation received.
  23. It was changed to outline next steps. Customers were getting confused and not knowing that the > meant more. You're welcome to post any suggestions for changes in the Feature Suggestion forum.
  24. Thank you! Unfortunately, what I thought was happening here does not appear to be so. Likely, the closing tag here was involved with the error.
  25. There are a few things going on here that would be hard for the system to know there is a problem and thus, human intervention is required.
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