The software simply was not designed that way as thousands of categories are not really needed in the space the software is developed for, communities. The average number I've seen in my 7+ years working here, I'd say is around maybe 15 - so ~60 times that is indeed beyond it's intended use. I don't want to try and force you to use a round peg in a square hole if our software does not fit, just kind of wanted to explain that a little further and give that info to anyone else who may be reading this.
I do wish you the best of luck finding another software if our solution does not fit your needs but I am sorry, we do not offer refunds on downloaded or installed software per our terms of service.
While it is too late for yourself, in this case, our sales team always welcomes these kinds of questions as we do want to inform you of our software's intentions prior to purchasing. If anyone reading this has a very specific purpose for the software, please feel free to reach out to our sales team 🙂 . We also have a risk-free trial where you can demo a Cloud product before purchasing Cloud or self-hosted.