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Collin Sexton

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Posts posted by Collin Sexton

  1. ​Collin, PM me for direct support on this.

    But from the looks of it, you are trying to use a variable in your template that doesn't actually exist inside the template. For example, if you are trying to use $member->getRulesData( 'data_key' ), then the $member variable must be part of the template, otherwise you need to access a globally available variable such as \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->getRulesData( 'data_key' ).


    ​PM sent, thanks in advance. It may be that I'm using a variable that isn't allowed as you had mentioned (I tried to place it below the header). Thanks, and look forward to hearing from you soon.

  2. Still having trouble making a value visible on the user end. Am I able to use the code below the header? I'm getting the following PHP error:

    "Fatal error: Call to a member function getRulesData() on a non-object in /home/.../..."

  3. I apologize for asking so many questions. Would it be faster to import the Prestige system, and then customize it, or start from scratch? I've had a very difficult time trying to figure out what conditions to change, etc. 


    Thanks! :) 

  4. Lol, forgive me for saying postbit, I was helping another user with a free forum software that needed something added to the postbit (area located by the post). I meant under the avatar :) 

    Sorry about that! :D 

  5. ​Hi Collin,

    Check out the "Prestige Reputation System" example in the rules starter pack. It is very similar:

    In order to display the field data in your template, you'll want to add the following template tag:

    {expression="$member->getRulesData( 'fieldkey' )"}


    ​Thanks!! So the template tag needs to be added to the user-facing template, correct? LIke if I wanted to display it in postbit?

  6. Hey all!

    I'm trying to use this as a "Credits/Points" system, if possible. I basically want to create a numeric field that a user can see, labeled "Credits", and want to add to the value each time content is posted in certain forums. If it is possible to create a rule that if a post count increases, the credits increase, that would be great as well, as I'd only like the credits to be added within certain forums. I've been playing around with this, and personally don't have any clue how to do this, and I'll keep researching to see if I can find some additional help as well. Is there any way to achieve this?

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