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Daniel F

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  1. Daniel F's post in "Show that the message has been edited" option was marked as the answer   
    It's the "Can edit silently?" group setting.
  2. Daniel F's post in Gallery Albums show "0" Images was marked as the answer   
    It seems like the fix wasn't backward compatible. We'll include an upgrade step for an upcoming release to rebuild the counters.
  3. Daniel F's post in Hiding Replies to Threads was marked as the answer   
    It's possible with the "Post Approval" feature, but a moderator would have to enable it in each topic.
  4. Daniel F's post in [4.7.18] Class must be declared abstract or implement method 'recount' was marked as the answer   
    I've run into this too few times in the last weeks and have finally found the reason
    So, @Matt created a fancy tool to insert all the traits as @mixins into the Model class,

    The weird side effect in phpStorm is, that it expects now the abstract method from DelayedCount too.
    And when you use phpStorms "Add Method Stubs/fix it" feature, it will also add these methods / show all the not implemented abstract methods from the used mixins and at least I just selected them all, because why not.. I expected they were required in my class
    So to avoid this, we have just to be more careful with using all the automatically suggested methods by phpStorm.

  5. Daniel F's post in I can't find the word 'and' to translate was marked as the answer   
    Ah sorry, it's the _list_format_ string.
  6. Daniel F's post in How to limit Zapier integration to a subforum was marked as the answer   
    You could use functions, paths or filters, see https://community.zapier.com/featured-articles-65/3-ways-to-add-conditions-to-zaps-22333
  7. Daniel F's post in My IP Address Banned from my Own Site was marked as the answer   
    It could have been banned if you made too many requests to the IPS API with a wrong key!
  8. Daniel F's post in A question regarding IPS5 and Plugins. was marked as the answer   
    Yes, that's correct
  9. Daniel F's post in Add a file to post with REST was marked as the answer   
    I'm afraid, only our GraphQL API supports attachments, there's no REST Endpoint for content attachments yet.
  10. Daniel F's post in Created User notification on HTTP POST to /api/core/members was marked as the answer   
    You *could* wrap the constant in a condition checking the path.
    Something like
    if( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == '/api/' ) { \define( 'EMAIL_DEBUG_PATH', '/dev/null' ); }  
  11. Daniel F's post in Who posted as anonymous was marked as the answer   
    You can set the moderators and their permissions in your ACP on the  Members => Moderators page.
  12. Daniel F's post in asking topic authors to respond to topic answers was marked as the answer   
    Our software sends already emails for solved topics.
    Make sure that the "Email author to mark a reply as a solution" setting is enabled
  13. Daniel F's post in [BUG 4.7.17] Adding form fields to \IPS\Content\Item::commentFormElements() doesn't fully work was marked as the answer   
    The way how this works in v5 changed completely and this would be some too big changes for v4 so we'll probably close the bug report for now.
  14. Daniel F's post in Can't modify some notification settings was marked as the answer   
    Each notification can be made "not editable" for members by the administrator.
    You'll have to review the setting for notifications in your ACP

  15. Daniel F's post in How is this sent from forum? was marked as the answer   
    Yes, this sounds like the Post Before Registering feature.
  16. Daniel F's post in Upgrade failed - FORUM DOWN was marked as the answer   
    This was resolved via the ticket.
  17. Daniel F's post in Problem with inability to access developer mode was marked as the answer   
    Is the DEFAULT_THEME_ID constant overridden in your constants.php ?
    If not, have you deleter any of your themes? Please take a look at the themes, is there one with the ID 1? If not, override the DEFAULT_THEME_ID in your constants.php with the ID of your new default theme.
  18. Daniel F's post in Use of variables to build internal URLs was marked as the answer   
    you can get the count of members in a group via \IPS\Member\Group::load(YOURID)->getCount()
    So to use it in the template, you'll want something like:
    {{$members = \IPS\Member\Group::load(4)->getCount();}}  
  19. Daniel F's post in Does IPS have native Image Compression? was marked as the answer   
    There are settings for format specific compression/quality in your ACP => System => Files => Image Settings.
  20. Daniel F's post in Impossible access (error 500) after upgrade 4.7.16 was marked as the answer   
    Sounds like an incompatible php version. 
    Make sure that you’re using php 8.0.0 or higher 
  21. Daniel F's post in Automatic prefix for creating a forum post was marked as the answer   
    You could also utilize the solution feature for this.
  22. Daniel F's post in DEBUG_TEMPLATES still with issues in forms was marked as the answer   
    I have fixed few instances yesterday, the date template was one of them. 
  23. Daniel F's post in After update to 4.7.16 editor isn't working anymore was marked as the answer   
    Try clearing the cache.
    ACP => System => Support

  24. Daniel F's post in Sitemap status = Couldn't fetch (Google Search Console) was marked as the answer   
    I've seen this on one of my Wordpress sites too.
    Try to submit the same URL again.
  25. Daniel F's post in Okay to truncate "core_log" table? was marked as the answer   
    Yes, it’s safe to truncate it
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