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Brian Adams_26528

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  1. I'm attempting to upload a 350 mb .mov to modelshipworld.com but I keep getting the error above. Help:)
  2. Error code: 2F173/K I have accessed this topic thousands of times and I can access all other topics but today I'm told I don't have permission to view this topic. permission.psp
  3. On another board that I'm a member of I'll see some text with a picture below the text, then another picture, then more text... Can't figure out how to do that.
  4. Please tell me more Two more things. 1. How do I force users to follow topics by default? 2. How do I tag someone in a topic? For example, say I'm starting a new message and I want user X to get a notification. I thought it was # username but that doesn't work. TIA
  5. I want to hide the name of the admins from the list of staff members, It only tells the bad guys which account to attack. I've had my site up for 2 weeks, not published yet, and is a private site, thus not searchable from search engine. Yet I have been locked out of my admin account 3 times now.
  6. I set all my forums' permission so that guests can only read topics, but guests can reply and register later. How do I stop that?
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