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Everything posted by Gauravk

  1. We have this setting enabled, and still points are not awarding to new member, not even based on one fixed calculation.
  2. Its been over 10 days, the buy points issue since you removed the fixed value to conversion based calculator. Appreciate if you can please send me the patch to have previous setup in new version. If you need extra money, I'm ready to pay.
  3. Any update on my request, as none of the purchase even getting the points define through commerce button. Lot of unhappy members we are facing daily due to this issue, appreciate an early response please.
  4. Thanks a lot buddy, waiting very eagerly, please try your best to do it as soon as you can.
  5. Gentle reminder for having that old fix point award upon purchase than the new points calculation system.
  6. Gentle reminder for this exception please.
  7. Gentle reminder for MEMBER SHOP/1 Error
  8. Updated to latest version and still same error while buying membership from points. Please have a look and provide a solution. AFTER REFRESHING ONE TIME
  9. Just to share and help others, here is our little Members Shop success story. We launched points system in Mar - April as a free product and member can come back with donation. No one gave any respect. In June we implemented little payment and throttle the donation to selective members only. By June end we started seeing that how this fear of little payment work in favor of engagement - literally 10X. Although it was an experiment and we are still learning to keep a reasonable and respectful price point to welcome new user and also expensive enough to encourage users so they keep contributing. Now after every weekly drive within 12 hours we get 40-50 images in gallery, 2-3 drive videos on youtube and tons of discussions, comments and likes. Earlier people use to come for drive and then never return to forum again until next week drive just to RSVP the calendar. Here are the points system break down, if it helps anyone here in replicating for quick engagement boost. We highly recommend using this Members Shop app and explore what works best in your community to lure, encourage and inspire users. https://carnity.com/cps
  10. That will be really awesome. As we are in TOTAL LOVE with your points system that has kicked up so much engagement with a little fear of paying few bucks. And now we can't afford to change these things around so fast. Thanks to your points system: UAE'S MOST ENGAGING CAR SITE (25 Pageview/user, 12% bounce rate, 67 min avg time) I will wait for your add-on mod over the PM. Really appreciate your consideration and help. Thanks a lot.
  11. There is another layer of complication we have that we are using your brilliant point system for 90% user engagement and 10% making money. Means we have assigned various points for contribution - topics, post, like, images etc. and 100 points required for renewing 1 month membership. This has been set in stone now as it took us very long time for our members to get used to this points system (Mar-Aug), and we can't change that tbh. I actually explored the rules option too to manually assign 100 and 1200 points to each purchase, but rules app has no string for purchase.
  12. We have tried subscription and failed miserably as IPB doesn't offer time based subscription without renewal and after seeing renewal amount and date all our members got scared - literally zero conversion. Hope you can help in finding another way or same like previous option (much better) to tackle this issue. Thanks
  13. Thanks for this setting heads up, I found it. Now Im little lost on how to setup pricing with varied conversion rate. Previous option was much straight forward that admin can decide "precise" points to give per product. Please help me on how to achieve this with above calculations now: 100 Points for 49 AED 97 AED - (for 1 month membership) 1200 points for 180 AED 360 AED - (for 1 year membership) We have to discount annual heavily to promote people joining annual membership.
  14. I updated Membersshop yesterday with latest version and today one of the old member purchased points, but points didn't credited. Later I explore more at back end and realized that tab for member shop has been disappeared in commerce product. Is it a bug, or some settings have been changed or moved around? Please advise at the earliest as its impacting our members a lot.
  15. Any idea on how to split long title in 2 lines in classifieds sidebar widget?
  16. People renewing with points in Members Shop getting this message. Please fix this bug asap, as its scaring lot of people. Im reporting this error for second time now. Hope you can take quick action with exact error messages below. Thanks. Immediately after the purchase After refreshing the page
  17. We are receiving error when someone come to membersshop to upgrade there membership by spending points, but when refreshed they have been successfully upgraded to another group and also points have been charged perfectly. Seems like thank you page error. Please help.
  18. What about the points showing on left side profile - long awaited and much needed feature.....?
  19. Thanks, that will be awesome as sometime we have less classifieds and seeing same 5-6 images on homepage is boring. Random from last 7 days, month etc. would be even smarter option to add while at it.
  20. Can we display random adverts on sidebar?
  21. Thanks a TON, we were waiting to see this appearance since we switched to your classifieds app. FINALLY IT'S DONE TODAY. What a great relief.
  22. Well with default theme, its even worst having so small images
  23. Any plan on fixing "Mobile View" issue - very long awaited request.....? I'm ready to pay extra for this feature, request, bug, technical glitch whatever you like to call it.
  24. Error reported when one member tried donating to another member. Please help urgently as we have quite active system for donations UnderflowException: lang_not_exists__mailsub__membersshop_notification_donate_donations (0) #0 /home/carnity/public_html/carnity.com/system/Email/Email.php(471): IPS\_Lang->get('mailsub__member...') #1 /home/carnity/public_html/carnity.com/system/Email/Email.php(811): IPS\_Email->compileSubject(Object(IPS\Member), Object(IPS\Lang)) #2 /home/carnity/public_html/carnity.com/system/Notification/Notification.php(574): IPS\_Email->mergeAndSend(Array, NULL, NULL, Array, Object(IPS\Lang)) #3 /home/carnity/public_html/carnity.com/system/Notification/Notification.php(555): IPS\_Notification->sendEmails(Array, Array) #4 /home/carnity/public_html/carnity.com/applications/membersshop/modules/front/shop/main.php(305): IPS\_Notification->send() #5 /home/carnity/public_html/carnity.com/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(85): IPS\membersshop\modules\front\shop\_main->donatepoints() #6 /home/carnity/public_html/carnity.com/applications/membersshop/modules/front/shop/main.php(25): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #7 /home/carnity/public_html/carnity.com/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(152): IPS\membersshop\modules\front\shop\_main->execute() #8 /home/carnity/public_html/carnity.com/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #9 {main} BACKTRACE #0 /home/carnity/public_html/carnity.com/init.php(894): IPS\_Log::log('UnderflowExcept...', 'uncaught_except...') #1 [internal function]: IPS\IPS::exceptionHandler(Object(UnderflowException)) #2 {main}
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