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Katya Tomova

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Posts posted by Katya Tomova

  1. 2 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    If you are having the same issue, its very likely yes.

    No, we don't see such message.

    We see the upgrade is available but on the first step we get


    There are some problems with your database. Normally it is safe to try to fix these problems automatically however if your community is large, you may want to run the necessary queries manually. If so, the queries to run are:

    We have run all the sql commands listed and still they keep showing as if not detected that they had been run already. How to pass this step successfully?

  2. Hello,

    We have v. 4.7.9 and we wanted to upgrade to the latest.

    We got a message on the 1st step that we need to fix our database and a lot of sql code. It didn't manage to run automatically so we had to run it through the phpadmin.

    All commands completed with no issues.

    Still when we run the the upgrade we get the same message on the Fix this step and the same chunk of commands that we got in the first place as if it does not detect the changes.

    On the support page we have only 2 issues - one for the upgrade and 1 for the database. Running the FIX THIS from there also results in the same message - fix it manually/which we have already done/ or automatically.

    Could you please advise what should we do in this case to upgrade?


    P.S Appologies for double posting , i have found this support forum later.

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