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Everything posted by Clover13

  1. So far they look OK, will let you know if I see anything or find anything else. Will look for the email 👍
  2. OK I paused the WAF rules on CF for the interim. Can you check again and see if it works for you now?
  3. Nothing in my host web server logs that I can see either, just 404s from search bot IPs. Possible a CF WAF rule is blocking something when you access it? I'd imagine you'd be entirely blocked, not just AJAX call blocked? Hi @Jim M can you just black out the server details (path and IP) in your screenshot? Thanks 🙂
  4. Strange, I don't see any of that when I test in Chrome? Here is what I see, the system logs are unrelated errors from a longer history.
  5. Where are you seeing these AJAX errors? I don't see anything in the System Logs (other than the recent errors you created).
  6. OK I added it to the Notes section for that site in the Client Area 👍
  7. Hi Marc, I PMed you the detailed 👍
  8. While logged in. Looks like some updates to the 5 topics being displayed have happened since last night, however there is one of the 5 that has only 1 reply. No idea why it's in there, but it has stayed in there since the block was made.
  9. It's on the main landing page for the site at the top of the page. There are some topics that have that but the current block is showing some topics that have only 1 reply which I don't understand as it was never set to 1 reply, the min it was set to was 2 at one point.
  10. Right, but it's been way longer than 1 hour and it hasn't refreshed yet. Also the clear cache should override that setting anyway. Same with last night when I was testing, it wasn't until this morning that I saw the popular posts become visible, which means it wasn't "immediate" when it was first created. Something must be delayed in processing and populating the block even when I first added it to a given page.
  11. Only using the IPS cache and CF caching. I cleared CF for that page, but still no update. I suspect at some point, the block will be refreshed, but not sure where that is being held back from a clear/purge right now.
  12. Wouldn't clearing the cache force this though?
  13. FYI I updated the post count to 10 posts in 360 minutes to see how long it takes to go in effect. So far, it is still showing the 2 posts in 9999 minutes.
  14. Very strange. It seems to be working now, but I changed nothing since I set things up last night. I even cleared the cache thinking maybe something cache related was blocking it. Are there some tasks that need to run to calculate the popular posts that may have taken some time to populate the block? P.S. I added a block to the main landing page, which does show now.
  15. Hi @Marc Stridgen, the user on file has been elevated back to have AdminCP access.
  16. Pretty sure I have it configured correctly, but can't get it to show anything. Plenty of posts on my site, I've tried it as a sidebar block, as a page block, as a subforum block. Nothing ever appears. Current settings, 2 posts in the last 9999 minutes. Is there something else I'm missing to get it working?
  17. Good idea! I can add a rule via CF for this, even on the free plan 👍
  18. This is for registration only. And really with the objective of non-US accounts (who are not the primary audience) from registering to spam our site. We very rarely see a non-US person register to post anything meaningful. In recent months, we have been attacked a number of times by large numbers of sudden bulk registrations and spam posts, so we're just trying to prevent that. Our only workaround to this has been to put registrations in admin approval for all, which adversely effects engagement from first time users registering with the purpose of posting/replying to something in that moment and can't because they have to wait. Subsequently, they sometimes simply don't want to wait and never return to post that valued content.
  19. For those of us running country targeted sites, it would be great to have an option to effectively block all other countries. For example, my site is US based, and I only want US based geo-located IPs to be able to register. Right now I believe I have to manually add every other country to achieve this effect.
  20. Thank you. Yeah this is a high traffic area of the Northeast US, so large numbers of people sharing the same local tower is very common. I do use Cloudflare for both of my sites, one is on the Pro plan and the other on the Free. All of these are enabled for them. HTTP/2 HTTP/3 HTTP/2 to Origin Enhanced HTTP/2 Prioritization (Pro plan only) Brotli 0-RTT Connection Resumption Always use HTTPs TLS 1.3 The main one I make sure I disable is Rocket Loader. I think the main thing I'm troubleshooting right now are the ads JS own third party calls. Regardless of using defer or async on the parent ads JS, I see a commonality of some third party calls (to other JS, gifs, etc) made by the ads JS at runtime that take long periods of time before they complete or fail. I'll note the browser status bar is still waiting to complete until these finish and during that time the menus, link clicks, reactions, etc are impacted and either unresponsive or slow to respond (and not very snappy when they do appear). For the PWA since there is no status bar, it just hangs there like maybe you didn't click or maybe you tried to click but misclicked but in reality it's all just lagging but you have no way of knowing that.
  21. In Fast 3G, the longer running server-sided assets are taking anywhere from 2 seconds to almost 6 seconds: root_front.js: 2.74 seconds root_framework.js: 5.32 seconds root_library.js: 5.33 seconds /uploads/themes/set_resources_2/6124cbf62e7d0ac97bcb319cb54179a7_fa-solid-900.woff2: 5.85 seconds With no throttle, they're all under 100ms. The timings above for the Slow 3G do align with the relative time it takes for the menu to become responsive. There are a lot of clicks that are taken in that time period that just don't register, I'd imagine because the page hasn't completed loading all of it's assets. The painting of even the small icons and avatar images is also gradual top down fill-in.
  22. I occasionally see similar menu lag here on the IPS site but not as bad or frequent as on mine. But IPS isn't running ads or much third party JS. I'll try to locate some other IPS sites to compare 👍
  23. Understood. I did push the primary ads from async to deferred loading. I also eliminated some ad JS from other networks where maybe the cost (performance degradation to members) to benefit (revenue) wasn't worthwhile. That definitely knocked down blocking time. There is something else that is holding up interactions that I'm tracking down, I see it on mobile where the page has not fully loaded and the menus, link clicks, etc don't respond as result OR they respond very laggy (likely due to resource/bandwidth contention).
  24. I know some of this is the nature of mobile vs desktop related hardware and network, but are there any other areas I can look to tune for getting more responsiveness out of the hamburger menu, notifications, and reactions popups? Seems like on mobile, these are really slow to popup when clicked. I can't tell if it's a server resource issue, a config issue, or simply a device/network issue. Any suggestions on where to look would be great!
  25. @Marc Stridgen any other ideas on how to clean things up? Since I see no failure/errors, I can't easily tell what is being referenced unless I remove things from S3 and see if anything breaks (as issues arise and get reported). Anything I can run (SQL, command line, etc) to identify and update any references?