Everything posted by Clover13
PWA app icons and splash screen not displaying correctly
I am deleting the CDN files (S3) so it forces an entire rebuild the next time I upload images via the IPS AdminCP and purging the entire site cache in CF. When I visit the physical links in no-cache private/incognito browser window, they do appear correctly. Part of me wonders if the Apple device is just not interpreting it correctly OR if there is something specific about each image required in the IPS AdminCP for setting up the PWA (i.e. certain exact sizing is required, or certain image properties are required, etc).
PWA app icons and splash screen not displaying correctly
Yes, consistently the same result on each site. Also, all three sites are running on the same server with the same setup of all software including IPS.
PWA app icons and splash screen not displaying correctly
I have 3 sites. Site 1: Incorrect app icon Correct splash screen icon Correct splash screen background color Site 2: Correct app icon Correct splash screen icon Incorrect splash screen background color Site 3: Incorrect app icon Incorrect splash screen icon Incorrect splash screen background color Consistently inconsistent. Edit: I have not done cleanup procedures and rebuilds on the first two sites. I'm trying to figure out Site 3 and then apply it to the others.
PWA app icons and splash screen not displaying correctly
I actually posted this last night and then deleted it thinking it was fixed, but it wasn't. I've tried everything I can think of to get the PWA app icon and splash screen to display correctly, but can't seem to figure it out. Device: iPhone 13 Pro Max I've uploaded various sizes (full size, 512x512), solid background color, transparent background, etc. Each iteration I've manually deleted all S3 images generated and cleared the CF cache. I've also cleared my browser cache. I've manually checked the S3 linked images and they appear correct, however when I open my site and "Add to Home" the background of the logo is always white and the splash screen is always just a blank white screen. The app/site opens fine. The share logo in the browser menu (i.e. where you'll find "Add to Home") is correct. Any ideas?
Edit text files under Pages > Media
It does work for me, but you may need an !important at the end depending on the element and what else is set where an embedded element might take precendent? Example that works for me to show the differences when using two different properties. Look at the list of forums under each theme. Parent: .cForumList .ipsDataItem_title { font-size: 28px; } Child: .cForumList .ipsDataItem_title { background: green; }
How to find an app?
Unfortunately some devs are just gone. And you can't get the files that were previously hosted here. Other devs are still very active and responsive.
Edit text files under Pages > Media
Give an example of what you're trying to do exactly?
How do i make a Simmiliar News Site like this?
It would be very nice of Invision Community to share some of those templates with the community. Would likely provide a nice bump in adoption and usage of great Pages layouts by other community sites. 🙂 Even if it's not plug and play with any Pages DB, it would give a great templating jumpstart to see how a layout like that is created with native templating syntax (i.e. it's not as simple as looking at the page source and grabbing html/css since there is custom logic/parsing/conditionals within the templates).
REST API Logs missing log entries
Another behavior I've noticed is even though the REST API call executes, it is not always logged regardless of the status code (200, 201, 400, etc). Specifically I noticed this when GETing and POSTing to Pages DB.
POST /cms/records/{database_id}: record_image thumbnail sizing doesn't match Pages DB settings
The thumbnail settings are specified in the specific Pages DB Options, however doing a POST with the image included seems to generate a 500x500 thumbnail regardless of the settings. If you go into the record after it's been created by editing it on the record view page, then save it, it will regenerate the image to the correct size. Obviously this is a bit too much effort if you have many records. Is there any other solution? There used to be a rebuild thumbnails, but I think that was removed quite some time ago.
POST /cms/records/{database_id}: No record_publish_date request parameter?
I see a "date" field available, which updates record_saved in the CMS records table. Is there any way to set the record_publish_date? It's not a field and I don't see any reference to it in the API request, so I'm assuming there is no way to set this, I'd have to manually run some SQL to do it?
Edit text files under Pages > Media
I use it quite a bit in my own sites for managing overall CSS I want common across all child themes, but then have underlying customizations for individual themes (like a non responsive theme as some members oddly prefer that even on mobile devices or a theme with no ads, etc).
Edit text files under Pages > Media
Can you define "entire" site? Is IPS is only part of it or is the entire site just IPS and thereby controlled by the IPS theming?
Edit text files under Pages > Media
If it's for themes, you can create a Parent theme and then Child themes and use the custom.css file to configure parent CSS (global across all themes) and then individualize/override anything at the Child level theme.
Pages DB Content field set as not required but it's still required and still gets displayed
For a Pages DB with many fields (that are collectively the "content"), I want to set the Content marked field as not required and clear all permissions so no one sees it. My reasoning for this setup in that the N other fields are the effective "content", not a single field. Of course something will be required, so one could just pick a random required field and mark it as the content field, however I found two issues during my testing of an "optional" Content marked field with no permissions to view/create/edit for any group. An API request to POST cms/records/{database_id} with the content field either not included or set to "" still returns TITLE_CONTENT_REQUIRED. However if I define it as a Text field and set it to a space (" "), it will POST successfully. Regardless of permissions, the Content marked field is always displayed. Setting it to a space (" ") helps hide this behavior. Just passing along, again the workaround is just picking some random field that is required and always displays, then marking it as Content in the DB config, however any templating that iterates with conditionals Above/Below Content is influenced by whatever field is marked as Content. So you'd have to go with a custom approach (which is what I wound up doing).
Pages DB Field of type YouTube cannot set Record Display to Under the item content
Not sure if this is by design or a bug, but if you create a field as a YouTube type and click the radio button for Display options >> Display to "Under the item content", then save, it will return to "Above the item content" being selected and will continue to display as such.
Creating a CMS Record via API returns UPLOAD_FIELD_NOT_OBJECT exception
Alright all good now once I set all the params correctly. Final one for image was just the image[name] and image[contents] as base64 encoded contents as the docs state.
Creating a CMS Record via API returns UPLOAD_FIELD_NOT_OBJECT exception
Alright, another issue discovered is even though I have the Content field marked as optional (this is intentional based on my DB and templating design goals as no one field is the content), it is still required in the POST otherwise you'll get a TITLE_CONTENT_REQUIRED exception. So I had to add the Content field to the request, which I can default to an empty string and hide from all member groups, then it works. Now back to the original troubleshooting of whatever it is deeming as an upload field.
Creating a CMS Record via API returns UPLOAD_FIELD_NOT_OBJECT exception
I figured it out now. Successful POST { "\/cms\/records\/3\/": "", "key": "xxxxxxx", "category": "5", "author": "1", "fields": { "12": "Hello", "13": "Content" } } RESPONSE { "id": 11, "title": "Hello", "category": { "id": 5, "name": "Records", "url": "", "class": "IPS\\cms\\Categories3", "parentId": 0, "permissions": { "perm_id": 97, "perm_view": "*", "perm_2": "*", "perm_3": "4,3,6", "perm_4": "4,3,6", "perm_5": "4,3,6", "perm_6": "4,3,6", "perm_7": "4,3,6" } }, "fields": { "field_12": "Hello", "field_13": "Content" }, Python code in terms of post data: post_data = { "category": "5", "author": "1", "fields[12]": "Hello", "fields[13]": "Content", } I was creating a dict for fields as follows that was failing, as it wasn't in the expected format: fields = { "12": "Hello", "13": "Content" } And then dumping it to JSON as an object and POSTing as post_data = { "category": "5", "author": "1", "fields": fields_json, }
Creating a CMS Record via API returns UPLOAD_FIELD_NOT_OBJECT exception
Well now I'm baffled. I set up a simple Pages DB locally with just a title and content and submitted an API POST to create a record. It did create it but with odd results. You can see the request has the field ids and values. Yet in the response, field_12 (the Title field) shows "o", as does the "title" key's value. Not sure what's going on there, but will keep digging. POST /cms/records/3/ REQUEST DATA { "\/cms\/records\/3\/": "", "key": "xxxxxxxxxx", "category": "5", "author": "1", "fields": "{\"12\": \"Hello Title\", \"13\": \"Hello Content\"}" } RESPONSE { "id": 2, "title": "o", "category": { "id": 5, "name": "Records", "url": "", "class": "IPS\\cms\\Categories3", "parentId": 0, "permissions": { "perm_id": 97, "perm_view": "*", "perm_2": "*", "perm_3": "4,3,6", "perm_4": "4,3,6", "perm_5": "4,3,6", "perm_6": "4,3,6", "perm_7": "4,3,6" } }, "fields": { "field_12": "o", "field_13": " " }, ... ... ...
Creating a CMS Record via API returns UPLOAD_FIELD_NOT_OBJECT exception
Troubleshooting a script to create records and running into an exception. Calling via API: POST /cms/records/{database_id} Returns: {'errorCode': '1S306/E', 'errorMessage': 'UPLOAD_FIELD_NOT_OBJECT'} Does this error apply to the image object (Record Image)? I only have one other multi-image upload field in the fields object that is optional and I'm not sending it in the POST request at all for my test, so I'm assuming this error is being returned from the image field, but want to confirm before I go down a rabbit hole. P.S. My script is written in Python, not PHP.
Solution to play .mov files in Chrome?
I'm always hoping a dev will come up with an app that allows an upload that goes directly to YouTube, Vimeo, etc and then embeds the video URL into the content (topic, etc). This saves on server/storage space while also eliminating the browser vs device incompatibility issues. I'd be willing to pay quite a bit for it, I'm sure many would and collectively it would be worthwhile for the dev.
Suggestions for Customized Payments and Withdrawals in the Community Forum
Sounds like some of the principles of cryptocurrency.
Events - v5 Native Enhancements
3. Itinerary/Schedule management Another I thought of would be good to have an itinerary or schedule versus just a free form post of text. All of these things can be stuffed in there but it's far less structured.
Events - v5 Native Enhancements
Just passing a long a list of Events enhancements I feel would be useful for many sites that use Events. 1. Door Prizes One caveat to Events I've experienced in my communities that maybe IC can add to it in v5 is Door Prizes! For some of our in person Events, we have Door Prizes that are given by the site and donated by sponsors, business, and members. It's great to highlight these in the Event itself to increase interest in attending, but to also recognize those that may have contributed Door Prizes to the Event (i.e. sponsors, businesses, members, etc). Adding a layer to the Event that showcases these is very helpful. In addition, for those who use affiliate linking, it adds another level of viewing/sharing products and generating revenue for the site. 2. Improve RSVPing with Guest Counts/Management Another caveat is managing RSVP details for Events that have limited capacity and not all attendees will be members but may also include their guests. Allowing a member to RSVP and also manage their guest count is very beneficial as it's not reasonable for all guests to register as members just to RSVP. This too feeds into accurately planning and managing head counts, ensuring no one gets turned away at the Event, and allocating Door Prizes for Events. Just some food for thought as I feel like these are very helpful native features that apply to corporate, small business, and hobby related sites.